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Once everyone was inside and sat at the small dining table in the kitchen the young blond girl was the first to speak ''my name is Harper that's Matt, and Anne we didn't know the truck belonged to anyone we're sorry'' Raygen rubbed her temple, and spoke ''well, what are we going to do with them?" there were gasps around the room Raygen huffed and rolled her eyes "not what I meant" and she turned to the teen sitting next to her "do yall have anywhere to go?" Harper was silent for a minute before she mumbled out a ''No'' Raygen's mind started to race at all of the thoughts of what these kids had gone through where their parents are "where are your parents?'' Harper had gone completely still ''Harper, we can't help unless you tell us what happened sweetheart'' Clarice had stepped forward putting her hand on Raygen's shoulder pushing past her towards the young girl. Harper took in a long breath ''when the world ended when it first started. we were held up in an apartment on the outskirts of the city when the biters came our parents sacrificed them selfs for our safety Annes shes my sister and Matt's was our neighbor his parents weren't so lucky with the first wave'' Matt had gotten up from the table and walked outside Raygen being the only one who noticed ''it's not safe out here kid'' handgun strapped to her waist her knife strapped to her thigh that was glued to her these days.

Matt stopped a little further away from the house and turned to the blond ''I can't believe you fell for it'' he was now laughing Raygen was fast but not fast enough ''not so fast blondie'' a gruff voice said as a barrel of a gun was pressed against the back of her head her gun was now in the hands of an enemy along with her knife what they didn't know was the switchblade that was hooked to the back of her bra. in case of emergencies like this ''that's cute kid your gonna die out here doing stupid shit like this with these people'' she was pushed back towards the house ''move bitch'' she chuckled and walked not wanting him to put his hands on her again.

Raygen opened the door and spoke to her friends ''look we have a guest and they've come to take everything. I knew I should have killed the little shits'' Raygen was then pushed hard into an empty wooden chair Raygen laughed ''what? did I strike a nerve" the man backhanded her she smiled the spit the blood in his face ''you hit like a bitch'' she laughed he went to hit her harder when an arm grabbed him ''enough daddy let's just rob them and go'' it was Anne who looked up at her Father ''tie the blondes Hands shes unstable'' Matt grabbed the rope from the older man's hands before stepping behind her she even put her hands behind her back to make it easier for him ''we're not bad people.. were just trying to survive'' the man said as he stepped towards the rest of the group ''wheres the keys sweetheart'' he moved Clarice's hair from her face as he wrapped his hands up in her hair yanking hard ''I said wheres the keys'' her gasp was sounded threw the room ''I don't know'' she gaps out in pain her eyes glued to Raygen's as a tear slowly slides down her face Raygen's eyes were glud to the man who had her friends hair before she looked to Claire "its okay to tell him I have them'' she mouthed Raygen had already started sawing the rope she felt the rope snap ''now!" she mothed to her friend "she has them she knows where they are'' Clarice yelled as the man pulled her up off the chair she was sitting in ''good girl now sit quiatly'' she was then pushed into Jonhsons arms.

Carrie sat watching from the couch she wasn't sure if she should pull her gun on these people it would be so easy four rounds each the gun in her waistband was locked and loaded thanks to Raygen all she needed was to pull the trigger ''just pull the trigger" she mumbled pulling the handgun out of its holster she aimed and squeezed the sensitive trigger three shots sounded off and a body hit the floor the man now laid limp at Raygens feet as Raygen stud from the chair knife in Hand Haper was at her father's side ''what did you do!" she yelled as she tried to wake her dad ''wake up Daddy please you can't leave me" the young blond was now sobbing as she shook him harder each time

Raygen took her friend into her arms as she held her Clarice's body shook ''hey, it's alright we're safe now" Raygen said as she rubbed her hand up and down claire's arms ''it's over let's go" she said to the rest of the group as she threw the truck keys to Johnson

Raygen sat in the back of the truck with her two friends as johnson drove away from the house the teens were still inside as they drove away ''I killed that man'' Carrie mumbled as she looked out the window of the truck she didn't say anything after that, in all honesty, no one knew what to say and I don't think Carrie knew either.

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