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Karters pov (he's not dead yet)

It's been weeks since I've been picked up by the rednecks. their not nice people. they take as they please and get what want from force "yo sunshine we leave in five pack your shit'' let's be honest I didn't feel safe with these guys. I never unpacked my stuff where ever we decided to stay even if it was for days. I knew what I said to Raygan was wrong it wasn't her fault...

Raygens pov

we had gotten in contact with my parents days after the accident Carrie was still shaken up from killing the man ''come in candy cane" Raygan picked up the walkie from the cup holder '' go for candy cane" she sat the walkie down as she waited for a response ''whats your arrival time?" it was her mother on the other end now. her father never really had the patients. Raygen knew she was late later than she should have been, and she knew that but Raygen was in survival mode and that meant getting her friends to safety the safest way possible even if it meant getting herself killed they would make it no matter what.

arriving at the military base after driving 2 hrs through Atlanta to get to Fort Benning. guards were stationed at every entrance guns aimed at the new truck pulling up to the front gate. Raygan put down the window and smiled at the young guard "hi darling, Christian and Caroline Sinclare where would they be?" Raygen now slid her glasses up on top of her head. she leaned back so the guard could look into the truck and scan the rest of them. the guard cleared his throat and looked back at Raygan ''business?" she now looked the man in the eyes ''im their daughter they've been expecting me for a while'' she smiled as he went silent and said ''your candy cane?'' she laughed at the joy ride reference ''the one and only. now will you please let us in" she looked from the man and now to the closed gate. the man fumbled with the radio almost dropping it ''let em in'' ''copy alpha bravo opening in tea miens two'' the gate started moving and the gates finely opened all the way where they could see into the compound kids laughing and playing with other kids. smiles found their way onto all of there faces. Raygan turned to Clarice who was setting in the passenger seat

Hope, hope was all they felt

Six months later

Clarice's pov

Its been six months I haven't seen much of my friends we have one meal together once a week Raygan was the busiest out of all of us with going out on runs with her dad. she now had a scar from the top of her eyebrow to her jaw a rogue survivor with a knife sliced her pretty good, Carrie who had gotten pretty good with a gun and was now on border patrol on top of the wall and Johnson was put back in uniform to help with control of the people while I became a teachers aide helping the younger kids with their education

Raygan's pov

my scar hurt today it went from my right eyebrow to the bottom of my jaw it was a clean line it wasn't jagged it itched as it healed and it was ugly. the rest of the compound looked at me weirdly as I walked into camp that day with a blood-soaked rag that my father had on the floor of the truck it was completely soaked thru and dripping down my shaking hands I ignored all the horrified looks. by the time I made it to the compound's infirmary, I was covered in my own blood.


we got out of the truck it was like any other run normal or so we thought we had split up normal routine we had an hour to find useful things and meet back up with the group it was going fine intill I came upon a survivor he was maybe late 30s male. he didn't expect me to open the closet he was hiding in. when I opened the door he swang his knife and I could tell by the terrified look on his face when his knife cut me he thought I was a man, not a nineteen-year-old girl my hand snaped to my face and brought my hand down and saw blood a lot of blood ''oh my god what did I do? what did I do'' he was panicking ''hey shut up'' I grunted as I ripped my clean shirt off at the bottom I was calm for someone that just got cut in the face ''help me stop the bleeding or I will bleed out and die do you want that?" I knew it was harsh but I was pissed he had cut me he could have cut me anywhere else but no he had to go for the face the man shook his head and took the cloth from my hand and tied it as tight as he could it wasn't big enough and only covered half. footsteps were quickly making their way to me ''I suggest you leave if it's my dad there's no telling what he'd do so go before they arrive'' the man shook his head again ''im not leaving you kid'' ''your funeral man'' I said as my father came around the corner assault Riffel ready to shoot anyone or dead that roamed ''Ray you alright?'' Christian looked to his daughter then to her new companion who still had their hand on the bleeding wound on her face ''Ryan?'' he was confused he hadn't seen his younger brother in years and he was here now with his daughter who was bleeding who he had never met 

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