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while they were on the road they played eye-spy or talked quietly to the others Raygen sat quietly in the passenger seat her dad's words replaying in her head "I should have left as soon as we were safe" she glared at the road out the side window "you alright over there" a voice said from the back seat her glare shifter to the back seat threw the visor mirror, not on purpose "sorry im just tired" Raygen said looking threw the mirror again looking at Clarice "when was the last time you slept?" Kai said from the driver's seat.. he had offered to drive first. she thought for a second and she couldn't remember the last time she had slept three days four who knows they had been on the road no stop for three days trying to get to her parents only to stop when the others got restless or had to use the bathroom "that's not relevant. how much further till Atlanta" she huffed and crossed her arms "its only a 5 hr drive why haven't we made it yet?" she said as she looking at the paper map in front of her. the truck came to a slow "why are we slowing down? Carrie said looking up from a book she was reading that she took from the house "that's why" Clarice said as she pointed from the middle a rather large hord of walkers gathered in the middle of the road "back up slowly and back down the hill" Raygen said he thought for a second and turned to her "I don't think I can do it" he looked unsure "ok slowly put it in park adn put your seat back as far as you can" he put the truck in park and moved his seat "now what? " she looked to Clarice in the back seat Clarice srugged Clarice had only seen the girl do this once two years ago under the inflewence Raygen winked at the girl and climed over the center concel into the officers lap and put it into reverse putting her hand on the pasanger seat looking out the back winshiled "here we go" she mumbeled with out fail she backed up with grace one thing Raygen was good at was reverseing no mater how tight

once down the hill out of sight of the walkers Raygen put the truck back in park and climbed back over to her side of the vehicle "god damn it Raygen that was risky" Johnson said as he fixed his seat she shrugged and looked at him "you want me to drive?" shes said as she opened the passinger door "well get out" she said as she walked to the driver side Johnson got out and walked to the passenger side and got in "so whats the plan now?" Carrie said looking up from the now shut book she never worried when it came to Raygens crazy acts she knew if Raygen was there she would be safe no matter what in her eyes Raygen was willing to die for her friends even if the girl was slowly shutting down

Raygen was quiet as she turned the truck around going back "we could always try the interstate?" Johnson said looking up from the map" Raygen looked to the officer as if he was stupid "have you never seen a zombie movie" Clarice and Raygen said at the same time "there's no way we would make it there would be too many abandoned cars we could try it but it would wast gas that we don't have" Carrie said now looking up from her reopened book "there looks like there is an access road up ahead that will take us passed the hord" Clarice said looking over Johnsons shoulder "on your left" Raygen got out the radio "come in Orville this is Lane come in Orville" there was nothing but static "Fuck!" Raygen yelled as she slammed her hand against the steering wheel startling the rest of them with her outburst. both Carrie and Clarice put their hand on Raygens shoulder "hey it's okay will make it calm down Clarice whispered calming her friend down slightly Raygend hands gripped the steering wheel tightly but loosened ever so slightly at her friend's words

raygen drove for another hour till she pulled over onto the side of the road "alright, we need a plan were all tried we should find a place to sleep" Raygen said putting her head against the steering wheel Carrie spoke first "we're by an exit there's bound to be a two-bedroom house around here somewhere

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