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After the truck sped down the road and out of sight. for some reason, Raygen looked pissed "Ray? you okay?" Carrie asked from behind her Raygen was still looking outside the window gun still pointed in the direction the truck went "im just peachy keen" she shoved her way through the small crowd that gathered by the window and out the door and opened the truck pulling out a bottle of water chugging half before she looked to her friends "what?" she said as she leaned the rifle up against the truck "you're angrier then normal" Clarice said as she leaned against the truck looking at Raygen. Raygen huffed and held out her hand "walk with me" Clarice took her hand as they walked "well be back in a minute" Raygen said as she pulled the redhead down the street and out of sight of the others "Raygen what's going on with you?" it was quiet for a while before Raygen looked to her best friend "im so angry claire all the time and I don't know why. I can't" she stopped and sucked in a gulp of air like she couldn't breathe and then she dropped to her knees gasping for breath "I can't I can't" she sobbed her body shook as she continued to gasp for breath "no no no look at me Ray fuck Raygen look at me" she lightly slapped Raygen in the face kinda snapping her out of it she now focused on her best friend and not the ground "listen to me okay" Raygen nodded her head "tell me three colors you see" Raygens eyes darted around "Green" she gasps "okay good two more" Raygens eyes darted around again "pink" her breathing still raggid as she gripped Clarice's pink shirt "one more" her hands shook as she played with the redheads hair "strawberry" Clarice looked to her friend "strawberrys not a color" she laughed Raygen smiled as she layed her head on her best friend sholder "its the color of your hair so its a color in my book" Raygen was still breathing heavily as she layed on the grass looking up at the clouds still on alert as she played with the butterfly knife in her hand she kept swinging it open and close "you scare me with that thing" Clarice laughed as she watched her friend open and close it fast Raygen had always had a fascination with knives all shapes sizes and colors she was easy to buy for Christmas or her birthday Clarice had gotten most of the knives she now carried but the knife she played with and she had no clue where the girl had gotten it Raygan had stud up from the ground and held out her hand for Clarice to grab "come on they're gonna think we got eaten" Raygan laughed actually smiling a real smile these last few weeks Clarice hadn't seen her smile a real smile "what?" Raygen laughed looking at her friend "imma need you to smile like that more often" Raygen smiled at that "come on Romeo" Raygen then grabbed her friend's hand again as they walked back to the others "about time you guys came back we were going to send a search party to go find yall" Johnson said Raygens abandoned rifle in his hand "we weren't lost we were right around the corner" Raygen said taking the rifle out of his hands "we were just" Clarice started "talking that all" Raygen didn't want the rest of the group to look at her different "you three what are your names" Carrie said looking to the small group of teens "come will talk in the house"Clarice said as she walked back into the dimly lit house

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