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Raygen's friends walked back into the house quietly leaving the two alone looking up into the sky.

when Johnson looked down at the girl in his arms her eyes where closed and the breathing was even he lifted her a little so he could get his arm from under her so he could stand up. he picked her up bridal style and brung her into the house "don't forget to wake her so she can change out of her clothes if we don't we won't hear the end of it" Clarice said with a laugh thinking about what her friend would say

Johnson brought her into the bedroom "Hey, hey wake up" Johnson said as he shook the girl. the girl's eyes fluttered open "Clarice told me to wake you so you could change" she nodded her head and rolled on to the floor pulling her duffle bag from under the bed the girl pulled out a tank top and short cotton shorts

Raygen's pov

I walked int to the candlelit bathroom and striped put off my clothes putting the pajamas on and looked into the mirror "god, I look like shit" I mumbled throwing my hair into a messy bun on the top of my head and walked out the door and into the living room where everyone else was "I'll take the first watch, you all get some sleep" I said taking the night vision, gun, and a knife that I had strapped to my leg and walked onto the front porch sitting on a rocking chair slipping the night vision onto my face.

I didn't even hear the door open "you know you don't have to do this alone right?" Clarice said sitting in the chair beside me taking my hand in hers rubbing the top gently trying to comfort me "I know this but I can't take any chances we've already lost so much and im sure as hell not losing you two to some ravenous freaks" I said looking at her "and Johnson?" she said with a knowing smile I laughed "what about the guy I just saved his life I bearly know the guy" I said shaking my head at her she always was the one to make me laugh or smile even if I wasn't in the mood "you like him though right you find him attractive?" she assumed looking at me waiting to see if I'd lie or not "I mean the guy isn't ugly he is nice to look at and I would be lying if I said I didn't feel a connection" I said with a snort she was quit for a moment and then said " your totally going to fuck him!" she said like se was the most happist person a live with a smile on her face "who's fucking who?" Carrie said walking outside she looked confused but laughed "Raygen is totally going to fuck Johnson" Clarice said "hey! I never said that but im not going to deny it either he's hot but we all know im lacking in that department" I said and looked out into the yard scanning for and threats seeing two slow-moving figure I held my hand up to stop the other two from talking shh one of you get johnson we have company" I growled out threw clenched teeth Carrie being the one closest to the door ran inside to get the sleeping officer "are they dead?" Clarice whispered "No" I growled handing her the knife that was strapped to my leg as I watched the two people get more than halfway in the yard. I stud up an assault rifle in my hand as I screwed on the silencer on the tip of the rifle and opened the screen door as Johnson walked out "Raygen what the hell are you doing?" "protecting our home," I said simply "there not dead there a fucking threat," I said simply walking further into the darkness

Clarice's pov

we watched her walk into the darkness all could be heard was the gun being cocked "stop where you stand or ill blow your fucking head off" and she growled it out "Raygen? oh, thank God" the voice sounded familiar I couldn't put a face to the voice "Karter? is that you?" Raygen said "Yeah," he said

Raygen's pov

"yeah," he said with his hands still raised he never knew if his friend had all of her screws "and whos with you speak or ill shoot" the gun still raised ready to shoot if she had to "B-Bonnie," the other person said "Townsen?" I said walking closer. the night vision wasn't the best sights you could see them but thair faces where blurry.

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