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I sat in the bed with the radio in my hand staring at the wall "you okay?" Bonnie asked leaning on the door she startled me "huh? what oh yeah im okay" I said shaking my head they all knew I wasn't okay they knew me long enough to know me being okay and when I wasn't "so, who was on the radio?" she asked sitting on the bed next to me. for a second I just looked at her "that is a long story that I should tell the whole group" I said walking out of the room only for her to follow "hoards gone for now it's safe" Johnson said walking down the attic stairs "good, we need to go out for runs" I said standing up for the couch strapping the gun to my thigh "what, hell no its too dangerous" Clarice said standing up quickly. I looked up at her as I put an extra clip in my boot "oh honey im just as dangerous" they stared at me "how in God's green earth are you just as dangerous than ravenous freaks?" Clarice asked as I walked in front of the fireplace we lit it when it started to get cold outside "your gonna wanna sit for this "she sat on the couch and huffed "okay we're sitting now spill" I sat in front of the fire on the small ledge and took a deep breath "well yall don't know this but a few months ago before this, all started I met with an army recruiter they were very interested in me with the last name Sinclair it opens doors for you when the army learned I was even interested in enlisting they sent out there best and finest recruiter to test me he brought a riffle and brought me to a range and at the end of the range there were three beer bottles almost a football field away he told me to shoot all three I told him he was crazy and that there was no way in hell I could turn out I would be considered a sharpshooter I hit all three in the middle. about a week ago when Agent Reynolds showed up on my doorstep to see if I was enlisting I told him that I had changed my mind and shut the door in his face. he was the one I was talking to on the radio Bonnie" I said staring at them waiting for questions "what Ray you told me your scores weren't good enough you were soooo sad and hurt" Clarice said standing now "I know I lied I could of went into basically any of them if I wanted to I felt that I needed to be here like yall needed me" I said shrugging "no wonder you're so good with a rifle" Johnson said with a low laugh "I didn't lie when I told you my Dad taught me to shoot he just didn't teach me to shoot almost a whole football field" I said looking into the roaring fireplace "I still think it's too dangerous to go out on a supply run" Clarice said shaking my head I replied "then I'll go alone I'll stick to the small stores keep the guns to a minimum" I said still looking into the fire "you really think were going to let you go alone your off your rocker" Clarice said putting her hand on my shoulder makeing me jump "alright then" I said turning back to the rest of the group

Raygen's pov

the store had been almost picked clean one lofe of bread some cand goods and a shit ton of nasty protein bars layed on the shelves pushing the noisy buggy around the small store. we went In groups of two there was four of us that went on a supply run in the store Johnson, Clarice, and Bonnie the place seemed clear the buggy hadn't brought unnecessary attention to us "we should grab all we can and regroup with the others" Johnson said putting food in the buggy and pushing the buggy further down the aisle there was a ring at the front door like someone had opened the door then it did it, again and again, it must have done it like twelve times before it had stopped johnson and I looked at each other then looked over the short shelves there stood by the door twelve undead with there noses up in the air smelling like a dog. their heads snapped in our direction as they let out the loudest shriek I've ever heard then sprint towards us "RUN!" johnson screamed grabbing my hand I couldn't keep up and snatched my hand free form his as I stop baton in one handgun in the other "go get the others out ill hold them off" I shout as he just shook his head " im not leaving you come on" he said as he looked at me "no I refuse to lose anyone else go" I said as I turned towered the flesh-eaters and let out a shriek of my own running into the small hord headfirst pistol now in the waistband of my tailored shorts hitting the first on in the head with a hard force head caved in the second one came easier slower elderly women it was the younger zombies that were faster harder to kill but not impossible with the last one it was on the ground as she continued to bah its head in "you stupid bitch just FUCKING DIE" with every swing of the baton it hit a new part of the zombies head "ray, raygen its dead you can stop.. stop swinging the baton you crazy bitch" Bonnie said from a few steps away. dropping the baton she smiled the got an evil grin slip on her face "you wanna see crazy" bonnie backed away slowly come on ray were friends you don't wanna hurt me but what we didn't realize was the child that lunged at bonnies leg bitting it on the thigh taring a large chunk out of her leg she screamed pushing the small child off of her it landed on the ground with a thump it went to get back up as she slammed her hard boots into its head "omg Bonnie" Clarice said as she tried to go to the now bleeding girl but raygen grabbed her hand stopping her from walking even further "No, shes to far gone look at her skin" raygen said looking at the sickly gray-skinned girl "what do you mean to far gone you can cut it off right?" the girl sobbed holding her lag hoping that it would help hold the blood in raygen coming back into her senses smiled at the girl walking closer to her "honey if you don't calm down you gonna lose more blood sit down on that chair while we come up with something okay" the girl sat on the randome chair raygen taking off her over shit ripping it and tied the shirt around Bonnies bleeding leg "that should stop the bleeding but keep presure" she tured to the rest of the group and told them to follow they walked for a bit then came to a stop "what are we going to do?" clarice said looking over to where Bonnie sat looking in pain "we and leave her to turn or we can put her down" Johnson said looking at the two girls clarice shook her head "No we cant let her turn.. but whos going to do it I don't know if I could"clarice said

raygen already had it in her mind she had to kill this girl for the sake of her group it somewhat didnt bother her but she know once she pulled the trigger it would change it was easeir when it came to the dead they were already dead she was a living brething human that had just got bite 

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