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April 2/2019

In the year 2020, the CDC launched the air-born virus that they hoped would wipe the world of its flaws, they were wrong. what they launched into the air didn't cure the world of sickness. the ones that were sick died and then later came back as flesh-eating monsters  

when the world when to total shit some of us weren't so lucky to get out some of us were stuck when the military came in and started shooting up the place in there minds anyone who wasn't in a military or cop uniform was undead and had to be killed when they came in to shoot up the place. I was sitting learning a new song we had to sing in one of our concerts when the military busts the door down and tells all of us to line up against the blank wall on the far side of the wall Mr. Pebody nudged me and whispered "get as many kids out of here as you can im going to distract them" and that what I did I managed to get six other people out the side door before the military decided to unload their clips on my classmates "Raygen what's going on?" June asked looking around the school's campus bodies lay scattered around like a child's playthings, a toy that a child has had an enough of, we where America's playtoy that they had enough of "alright this is what we're going to do okay everyone shut up and listen to me" Clarice said turning to the group once everyone was quiet she went continued her speech but was silenced by the intercoms "all clear" "they must have cleared the school" I said "everyone hide!!!" Carrie said as she heard boots hit the sidewalk coming our way. Raygen, Carrie, and Clarice hid together one of the kids Raygen saved didn't hide fast enough and was caught his name was Jonny or Josh she couldn't remember "looks like we missed one aye boys" a scruffy looking guy in a military uniform said looking at JonnyJosh the boy looked like a deer caught in headlights "come on O'Neil the kid doesn't look infected we've seen what the infected look like. the kid doesn't look sick " a tall dark-haired cop said he didn't look much older than us. as the scruffy guy had his gun raised to Johnny's head "we have ordered, Johnson " O'Neil said in a low growl pulling the trigger Raygen being in the middle of the two put her hands on her friends mouths to keep them from screaming the others weren't smart enough to keep quiet and were pulled out by there hair from their hiding spot "NO! let me go" June said before her screams were silenced

Raygen through the crack of the door made eye contact with Johnson. And shook her head in a plea he winked at her and said: "okay their dead can we go now?" Johnson was letting them go guessing he didn't want more innocent blood on his hands After they left the girls stayed in their hiding place for about 30 minutes to make sure they were gone and not waiting for them to come out of hiding you could hear all the military trucks start and drive off "alright we have to go back to the classroom I have to grab my keys so we can get out of here okay?" I said we walked back into the classroom where we in before everything went to hell just like on the outside the inside was worse Blood covered the walls bodys of my former classmates lay sprawled on the floor with holes in their heads "we've got to get the hell out of here" Clarice said grabbing her bag and mine there was a bang on the window and we could hear growls "what the hell is that?" Carrie said speaking up for the first time in a while "im gonna go see?" I said walking to the window "Ah, Hell Nah, that's some white people shit " Carrie said walking towards the back door that leads to another classroom "what if it Johnson and he's come back to help us?" I said turning back to the window "Don't be stupid Raygan he'd not coming back it's one of those ravenous freaks that have been killing people so get away from the window and be quiet and hit the lights" Clarice said walking to the back door the lights cut out without me touching them without a thought I walked fast into the dark backroom were my friends were the room we were in was untouched not a dead body in sight "okay we need to find something we can arm our selfs with" I said taking out my phone turning it on looking around the room "Mr. white is bound to have something in here to help us" Clarice said walking into the closet with her flashlight "oh hell yeah!" we heard muffled in the closet Clarice walked out with two baseball bats handing one to Carrie while I walked to his desk and started to open his drawers one of them was locked so I started looking for the keys to open it which I found and opened the locked drawer "oh Mr. White you sneaky son of a bitch" I mumbled pulling out the hand gun checking the clip it was fully loaded with three extra clips in the desk "Guys in so glad I desided to ware cargo pants and a tank top" I said walking towrds the other to who was looking out the small window of the door "and why is that?" Clarice said turning around to look at me I had the gun in my hand with the extra clips "White you son of a bitch" she said with a laugh "Nice" Carrie said "alright now let's go slow and quiet" Clarice said opening the door "we should take two cars" I said "what why? why would we do that" Carrie said stopping "because we would have to cars and I have to go see if my family is still alive" I said looking at them "she's not wrong but I or Carrie dont have cars" Clarice said "that's not a problem" I said looking around the dead bodies there layed Trevor Callaway on the ground with a lanyard around his neck "he drives a Camaro and he parks next to me" I said grabbing the set of keys from the boys body "ah Raygen don't be a dick" Clarice said as she saw me pull the keys away from his body "come on guys this kid was a dick to anyone who didn't have a nice car or wasn't popular and when was he ever nice to us" when they didn't answer I laughed and continued "yep that what I thought and its not like he's gonna need it now come on" I said walking down the sidewalk my ankle boots hitting the pavement I could hear Clarice's converse and Carries sneakers hit the pavement too as we walked to the parking lot were the cars were when we got to the cars my car and trevors car they were on the same row but mine was further down I handed the keys to Carrie "here, drive to Clarice's ill meet yall there" I said hugging them and jogged down the cars to mine 

when I got into my car I felt safe like nothing could get me when I started the car music blared from the Bluetooth from my phone (bodies~drowning pool) started playing just a half an hour ago bodies hit the floor, after turning down the music because I could attract attention to me and have the undead follow me home 

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