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Tapping on the door's window and waiting for anything to emerge from the depths of the dark house when everything was quiet we slowly opened the door and swept the house looking for anything useful the house was complete and utter empty not even a pack of crakers left in the cabinet we didn't dare to open the fridge.

They spread out threw out the house checking the rest of the house for anything useful all they found was a gallon of water and toothpaste at this point Raygen didn't care she was brushing her teeth even if it was with her finger squirting the toothpaste into her mouth and rubbing her teeth with her finger roughly over and over again man did she miss running water and a toothbrush "hey, Ray" Clarice said walking into the lit bathroom "is that toothpaste?" she sounded excited it had been over four days since anyone had brushed their teeth. "Did I hear toothpaste?" Carrie said down the hall hurried footsteps could be heard making their way towards the two girls in the bathroom "yes please" she said as she entered the bathroom taking the paste from Clarice and pouring the paste straight into her mouth "I've never loved mint toothpaste so much" Raygen said moaning as she brushed her fingers over her teeth. they went quiet for a while enjoying the mint taste when Clarice spoke up "do yall ever think of Karter?" she asked spitting in the sink Raygen got an Angry glint in her eye at the mention of her childhood best friend did she feel bad? sure. did she regret it? No. would she change anything? of course, not their friendship was toxic and it just took her way too long to find that out "I don't regret anything if that's what you're trying to ask" Raygen said shrugging her shoulders what happened to Bonnie was an accident "im going to go give this to Johnson" Raygen said picking up the forgotten toothpaste 

Karters POV

 They kicked me out a million things were running through Karter's head as he walked down the side of the woods which wasn't smart on his part but then again he didn't care he's lost everything but what was worse, not caring if you lived or that you friends kicked you out and left you to die? he wasn't paying attention to where he was walking and walked into a sound trap to alert when a walker was around your camp before he could mutter anything four guns were pointed at him circling him "what do we have here boys" four camo-clad men stud in front of Karter rifles pointed at his head "hello pretty bird" one said smirking at Karter like he was fresh meat Karter gulped at the saliva pooling in his mouth he was nervous. 

 Raygen's POV

 she walked out of the bathroom looking for Johnson she found him leaning on the counter in the kitchen eating a protein bar that they had found at the store.. the store. she pictured Bonnies shaking pale gray face and closed her eyes tight headache starting to form at the base of her skull. before she could say anything or give him the toothpaste a car alarm started going off "what the hell is that?" Carrie said running in with Clarice running to the window by the door looking out to see a small group of three of what looks like pre-teens surround the truck trying to open the door to get at the supplies that were in the back seat shutting off the alarm and tucking a gun into my waistband I opened the door and shut it quietly not bringing attention to the teens and walked upon them "what do you think you're doing?" I said startling them as they jumped facing the woman who was barely in her 20s who had snuck up on them they could see the bulge in the waist of her shorts where the handgun stayed they gulped then the next thing they heard was growls of the undead "tisk tisk young ones I would best hurry if I were you there getting close" Raygen looked to the three teens before looking to her friends who were looking at them threw the window. Carrie shook her head as if it was a bad idea Clarice gave her a pleading look and Johnson just shrugged. she turned to the truck and unlocked it before pulling out her rifle shutting it and locking it before she turned back to the teens "get in the house" they ran towards the already open door with Raygen following them at a fast-paced walk when the door closed slowly behind her she opened the window slowly and put the barrel threw the opening "are you crazy?" one of the teens said a girl maybe 14 "shh!" Clarice said beside her friend on the floor looking out a pair of binoculars "four walkers inbound coming up the hill" she said as the rifle locked in a bullet into the chamber nothing was heard when Raygen pulled the trigger they all looked out the window as one of the walkers dropped before locked another bullet from the clip into the chamber to drop the other three a jacked-up red Chevrolet truck playing what seemed to be loud country music slammed into the slow walking zombies running them over Raygen now pointing the rifle at the truck ready to drop whoever they were if they stopped.

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