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Author note: me and the person i used to write this with had something happen in between us and in so very sorry, ill post the last few parts and start on my new story now


It was finally time, the day had come, it was the day two special Ruffles would marry each other. Those Ruffles were John and Ringo, a cat and a fox, who just about a year ago started dating. A week later they came out to John's aunt. A month later they came out to the world. They have been through so much, it's time for the hard work to pay off.
“How do I look, Mum?” Ringo asked, he was busy getting into his black suit. It was nearly time for him to be escorted to the podium.
“Like a handsome young fox.” Elsie smiled. “Your father wore that very same suit when we married many years ago. And now you’re marrying the cat of your dreams.”
"Oh God, I really don't want to mess anything up- what if I embarrass myself? Or what if he has second thoughts?"
“Oh son, you’ll be fine. You’ll do wonderful out there. This is your big day, you’ll love it.” She assured him.
Ringo watched as the flower girls entered the room. It was now his turn, Ringo's arm was wrapped around his mother's.
"You ready?" She mouthed. Ringo nodded in return. He took a deep breath and went through the doors.
Smiling a little, Ringo was led down to the podium where John was waiting. “Time to make it official Richie.” John smiled.
Exchanging their vows, the two placed their rings on each other's fingers and kissed passionately.
Mimi had her camera ready, snapping several shots of her nephew kissing his husband. “Now it’s time for the wedding party.”
John and Ringo fed each other basically everything. Though it annoyed Paul, he didn't want to ruin their day. A slow song came on and John led Ringo to the dance floor.
“Shall we dance my dear?” John purred, taking his paw into a tango.
“My my, you’re so light on your feet Johnny.. Now we ought to plan our honeymoon. But where to go.”
"We need to go somewhere that can withstand all of our love." John cooed and twirled Ringo around.
"That's it! The city of love!"
“Paris, France. It’s so very lovely there with the pastries and the view.” Ringo smiled.
“You said pastries, I’m in.”
"Oh Johnny…" Ringo giggled "I'm so glad you're my husband." 
"And I'm so glad I'm yours."
“I can’t wait until we arrive there! I bet it’ll be such a lovely city full of sights and of course, delicious pastries.”
"It will, but not as lovely as you." John's snout pressed against Ringo's "I know that for a fact!" The song ended and the couple sat back down.
Ringo was blushing away, kissing John’s fuzzy cheek and snuggling up against his soft chest. “Can we share a sweater?”
"I know something that can warm us up!" John grabbed two bottles of beer and handed one to Ringo "bottoms up!" John opened the bottle and started to drink.
Ringo sipped a bit as well, the pint was relaxing him almost instantly. He hadn’t drank since that time he was at the bar, before he and John became boyfriends and now husbands today.
Ringo wasn't even halfway done with his drink and John was already reaching for a second bottle "watch yourself Lennon, you may regret drinking so much later."
"Oh come on, it's our night. Let's have a little fun!"
“Well.. Alright, but then don’t go blaming me when you get a bad hangover tomorrow.” Ringo chuckled, ruffling his auburn fur.
“I won’t, I got a brain of steel, nothing can give me aches.”
"Sure" Ringo watched his boyfriend slowly becoming more and more drunk. At first he would just slur his words a bit, but pretty soon he was stumbling around and calling for Ringo every five minutes.
"How do I open this again?" John was fiddling with another bottle of beer.
"I think you had enough for tonight."
"Nevermind I got it" the bottle slipped out of John's hands and fell on the floor "f-fuck…" John hiccuped a bit.
“Looks like you had one too many drinks for today Lennon. Or I should say, LennStarr.” Ringo held him up by his shoulders, carrying him back to the car. “Better get some ginger tea ready for the morning too, just in case you do end up with a nasty hangover.”
“I’ll *Hic* be alright Richie, it’s nothing to worry about..” He insisted.
When they got home Ringo set John down on their bed "love ya Lennon" Ringo leaned down to kiss his forehead, but instead John grabbed his shoulders and rolled on top of him.
"Now that we're married we can do what I've been wanting to do for a while~"
"Oh! John you're drunk! Is this really-"
John smashed his lips against the fox's "shut it Starkey" he continued to kiss him while his paw trailed down to Ringo's thigh.
“Oooh.. Oh Johnny.. You’re a real rowdy cat now aren’t ya?” Ringo chuckled, kissing his nose. “Well we can have a little bit of fun, just before our honeymoon in Paris.”
Grinning, the two got under the sheets, stripping out of their clothes.

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