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Several weeks have passed since the two went to Mimi's, during that time period John and Ringo went on quite a few dates and sang together in the studio.

It was finally time, John and Ringo would announce their relationship to the world. But over time, John had second thoughts, maybe he didn't want everyone to know about him and Ringo. It was special, and telling everybody would ruin that.

"Feeling nervous about everything?" Ringo asked his boyfriend.

"A.. A bit.. What if they don't take it well?" John mumbled.

"Even if they don't, they can't force us to be apart."

Smiling a little, John gave Ringo a peck on the cheek.


The drive to the fan club was the longest drive in John's life. Yet when it was over, he wanted it to keep going.

"What we're here? So soon?"

"Yeah, can't keep the fans waiting long, they've all gathered at Freda's fan club room to see us and hear our news."

Getting up, John felt more confident knowing that Ringo will stick by him until the end of time.

John grabbed the handle to the back door, he opened the door to find Brian and the other two band members waiting for them.

"We've called many fans over, they're all eager to hear your announcement. But if you want, we won't tell the papers about this." Brian assured them.

"I'm sure some reporters gathered here anyway, there's no keeping it away. We're here to spread the word."

Taking a deep breath, John and Ringo walked up behind the mic in order to spill the beans from the last few weeks.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen." John said with a quiver in his voice. Cheers rose in the crowd, and hands were slammed together. This went on for about two minutes. Eventually they started to quiet down "There is a problem in our community." Some gasps and murmurs spread among the crowd. "People everyday look for love."

"But we're here to tell you" spoke Ringo "that love" his tails flicked nervously "is not between a man and woman" now the audience was confused, whispers jumped from ear to ear.

"It's between two people who love each other, regardless of their gender identity. Just as long as there's love, and both parties consent, they're free to do whatever they like. Too many people intrude in others' personal lives and dictate how they should live."

"And we're here today to challenge those dictators, to show what we do is harmless."

The sentences "Wait, we?" And "why would they care?" Could be heard.

Suddenly, John turned to Ringo and looked him in the eyes.

"Ringo." John nodded

"John." Ringo replied

John put his hand on Ringo's waist, and Ringo put his paws on John's shoulders. They leaned in, suddenly the space between their snouts vanished.

Reporters and fans alike gasped when they caught sight of the two Ruffles kissing in front of them. Most of them remained silent, but some did speak out with their support of the new couple.

"We don't care what negative things the press will say about us, not when we got each other."

"And we will do all we can to protect them." Paul said standing up with George rising with him.

Brian rose as well. "I happen to be gay myself, so I support them all the way."

The crowd was speechless, cameras still flashing. For a while, there was no response, just the clicking of cameras, camera which now had the evidence of an event that will change people's view on the Beatles forever.

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