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It's been almost a year since John and Ringo came out to the public. It hasn't been the same ever since. They would face constant ridicule and harassment.

John kept his chin up and wouldn't let them get to him, Ringo on the other hand wasn't as optimistic. He tried not to let their remarks get to them, but sometimes it was too much for him to handle. It wasn't nearly as bad as when they first came out, but when a mob came, they hurt badly. Ringo even once came out with deep claw marks across his back, leaving a scar to remind him of the hatred people will give to what they don't understand.

"It's bad enough with one across my side, now one across my back?"

John meanwhile was busy fixing up breakfast for his two tailed fox. "The bleeding should stop soon, and the perpetrators were arrested too.

"I can't believe the lengths people will go to stop the things they don't like."

"I'm just glad there were no guns."


"Sorry, that was poor wording, I'm glad you're ok. Neither one of us will be shot, I promise."

"I... I hope not.. But I still worry.. There may be fewer bigots now that same sex couples have been legalized, but that doesn't mean there's none at all.. I just can't help but worry that something bad will happen.."

John walked over to Ringo and set a cup in front of him, "its tea, it'll be good for you." Before walking back to the stove, John traced along the wound covered by bandages and whispered "this scar is a symbol of your strength. You survived this, you can survive more."

"I don't know if I can Johnny.. I don't think I can take this anymore, every day the pain gets more and more unbearable." Ringo winced, the wound still stinging as hard as ever.

John kissed the fluffy head of the fox "I'll take you to the doctor soon, in the meantime, enjoy your breakfast."

"What's for breakfast?"

"Made pancakes topped with blueberries and cream, I know how much you love berries."

Smiling a little, Ringo sat at the table to eat with his loving boyfriend.

"Blueberries... just like me..." Ringo mumbled shoving a forkful of pancake into his mouth. "Tomorrow... can we have... pumpkin pancakes?"

"That can be arranged too Richie." John smiled. "We can get some fresh pumpkins from the store."

"Good, what's on the agenda for today?"

"Well it's time we head to the studio. Got any song you'd like to sing?"

"I haven't written any lately, but if you have any..."

"I do, but I want to wait until we're in the studio with the others. Or else it wouldn't sound as good."

"Ok Johnny, whatever works for you."


At the studio, it was time for John to propose through his new song.

"Ringo... I need to show you something." John grabbed his guitar and started to strum.

"Standing in the dock and South Hampton

Trying to get to Holland or France."

As Ringo listened, he noticed the places John mentioned were those he discussed wanting to go to if they ever got a vacation.

"The man in the mac said

You've got to go back

You know they didn't even give us a chance"

Lost and found - a lennstarr storyWhere stories live. Discover now