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"Well.. You.. You were always a lot kinder to me than the others were. Always giving me a chance to sing at least once per album.. And you went out looking for me yourself.."

Blue met brown and there was another long silence. John wanted to take back what he said, he never should have said anything, now Ringo won't see him the same way again. Oh why did he mess everything up?

But then, their lips met and Ringo pulled the guitarist into a bear hug. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" He asked.

"I didn't think you felt like that, I- I thought I would ruin everything. I couldn't take that chance."

"I'm glad you did."

The guitarist decided to pull in for another kiss, this one was more passionate. The two men sat in embrace until-


At the other side of the bar were the two other members of the band. John was worried about what they might think of him. Would he be kicked out of the band for being gay? Or would he now be the target of constant ridicule for what they just saw? And poor Ringo, with how sensitive he is he wouldn't last. John wouldn't let that happen, no one will hurt his little Starr.

"We were looking all over for you both!" Paul called. "Ringo.. I've been thinking about what I said earlier today.."

"Not so disposable now am I?" Ringo smirked, feeling better now that he had John to love.

"Ringo... I know saying this won't erase what I did... but I'm sorry."

"Me too" George added "we should listen to you more often."

"Please, tell us what we can do."

"Well, I would like to sing some more on the albums, if it's not too much to ask. Maybe be able to write some of my own songs too, it makes me feel more.. Useful to the group."

"We will, I promise... and uhh, what was that whole... uh- kissing thing about?"

"Well.. John and I confessed feelings for one another.. I hope you don't mind that."


Ringo looked down "I knew it" he whispered. John saw the drummer's expression and gave them a piece of his mind.

"I'll have ya know that we care about each other more than anything else, but if you want to kick us out-"

"We won't.. It was your idea to start the group anyways Lennon."

"Then what's "Oh" supposed to mean?"

"You're my best mate John... it's just that these kinds of things aren't really acceptable in society. What if the public finds out?"

"Well then we'll just have to keep it hidden as much as we can. There's others who suffer because the public demonizes them.."

"Well, can't we try to challenge the public somehow?" Ringo suggested.

"What do you mean?"

"Like, we can announce our support to those who are gay, remember when we publically announced we wouldn't play for segregated audiences? We can do something like that. We're big enough names that people will listen."

"Ringo you're a genius! We should of listened to you sooner."

"But what will we do about your relationship and telling that to the public?" George questioned.

"We'll take care of that part. Even if they don't take it well, things are changing."

"If they're smart they will realise that we are the same people we always were. It's not like our band will suddenly change." John added.

"Yeah, should we ask Brian to get us a press conference to announce your new relationship and our support to those in need?"

"Perfect, but do you think I should tell Mimi first?" John asked, he ran all the possible scenarios through his head. And for sure, he was nervous.

"We will tell Mimi" Ringo said, squeezing John's hand.

Taking a deep breath, John got to the phone and dialed his aunt's number, he knew she loved him and cared for him dearly, but she was also very firm. He was worried she'd think of him differently now.

Ringo stood by his side and rubbed circles on his back. But when that familiar voice came on the other end, John's heart raced and his breathing quickened.

"Hi...aunt Mimi- heh heh-"

"John? You haven't called me in ages! What have you been doing all those months?"

"Well y'know, with the band and all.. But I called you because I got some news.. It's about Ringo and I."

"Was it a fight? What did he do to you?

"Quite the opposite actually... you see I- I- me and Ring-"

John looked down at Ringo, his blue orbs staring right back at him. He just needs to just say it, for him, and for Ringo.

"We're together now. An official couple.. And we're about to make it public very soon." John admitted.

"A.. Couple?.. I.. I don't know what to say.. But you're still my lovely nephew."

"I'm glad you understand, we're going to need the support"

The little drummer smiled when hearing that. John looked around the room to find the others were silently cheering for them. But John was still unsure if she took it well or not, after all, they were only on the phone. Not wanting to worry Ringo, John smiled back.

"Would you like to come over sometime soon? I haven't seen you since you started your band, I want to see how much you grew since then." Mimi suggested.

"That would be nice. You'll bring those delicious Jaffa cakes right?"

"Anything for my little boy. Make sure to bring your boyfriend."

John said goodbye, and before he could say anything, Ringo jumped into his arms and gave him a quick kiss.

"Sorry, I couldn't wait any longer. Did she take it well?" Ringo asked already knowing the answer.

"That she did, she wants us to come over. I bet... Mum would have loved to have seen us together too.." John smiled.

"Aw. I know how much you miss her.. But she's always with you in spirit. She's smiling down from heaven at you."

John smiled at the sweet drummer and pulled in for another kiss-

"Hi! Yeah- um, we're still here" Paul said in Hope of getting their attention. "Do you want us to leave?"

"Well, we're gonna head home now. My place or yours Richie?"

"I.. Yours please, my house isn't really as good."

John smiled and called for a taxi.

"Ow my head-" Ringo whined

"Looks like all that alcohol is taking a toll on you" Ringo did nothing but whimper in reply.

"Here" John said as he leaned over to kiss the top of Ringo's head "all better?"

"No, I need more"

"Well I'm always happy to oblige." John smiled, peppering his face with kisses. "When we get inside I'll get ya some aspirin as well."

"Thanks.. I love you so very much Johnny, my sweet boyfriend."

Lost and found - a lennstarr storyWhere stories live. Discover now