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John was gone when Ringo woke up that morning. He figured John had to go back to the studio at some point, or visiting hours have ended and he was forced to leave. "Hopefully I can get out of here soon too.. I want to be with my Johnny again.."


John was back at the studio with George and Paul, but it didn't feel right. He felt empty without his Starr, and could hardly focus on the songs.

"I know you're still worried about him John, but Ringo needs more time to recover, don't worry. He'll be back in your arms before you know it."

"I can't do this for an entire week..." John sighed "if is wasn't for that otter-"

"She's in jail now, you don't need to think about her anymore."

"Still.. I could have stopped this before Ringo got hurt.. I should have rushed after him immediately.. But I was too shocked to think.."

"It's not your fault John..."

"I should have made sure he was comfortable with moving our relationship forward."

"What happened then is done now.. We can't change the past, but we can learn from it." George assured him.

"I.. I guess.. But I still feel so guilty.. Now I know how he feels.."

"If you really feel bad... why don't you- uh- celebrate when he comes back!"


"We can give him the best welcome home party he could ask for! We can get him a big cake and have you two do something extra special together."

"Special eh?"


Ringo stood outside the hospital. It had been about a week since he last saw John, and he could hardly wait to squish his face again. But to his surprise, it was Paul in the car, John was nowhere in sight.

"Heya Richie, hop in! John would have wanted to pick you up himself, but he's working on something extra special for ya." He explained as he drove.


"Yeah! I can't tell you, it would ruin the surprise."

"Oh? A surprise?" Ringo loved how sweet his John was. He rested his chin on his palm and stared at the people zooming by. "Uh Paul, where are we going?"

"That's part of the surprise, John said he wanted it to be something you'll love." Paul simply responded.

Looking out the window, Ringo realized that he was nearing Mimi's house. He remembered how sweet she was when he and John came out to her. She sent him boxes of jaffa cakes to them both whenever she got the chance.

The car pulled up right where Ringo expected it to, Mimi's house. Paul knew it was hard for him to walk, so he helped the fox to the door.

Ringo looked inside to find the entire house was decorated. Close friends and family were there, but no John.

He then heard his cat boyfriend rushing down the stairs. "Richie!! Welcome home!!" He cheered, hugging him tight. "And your scars are gone too."

"Well, they don't hurt anymore, but there's still a little mark of them.." Ringo blushed, wincing a bit from John hugging too hard. "Can you.. Umm.. Sing that proposal song again?"

"Well, actually... I have something for you."

"What does that have to do with-" the cat swept his boyfriend off his feet and ran up the stairs. "Wait John!"

Once they made it up to John's old room, Ringo found what looked like an old scrapbook. When he opened it up, he saw all the years he and John were together, long before he confessed his love to him.

Lost and found - a lennstarr storyWhere stories live. Discover now