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"Oooooh.. Wh... Where am I?" Ringo moaned, he was out for a while now.

"Ringo! You're awake!" Cried a happy John, clinging to him. "You were passed out for hours! We were worried you'd never wake up.."

"Where am I?"

"The hospital."

"Where's Mimi?"

"Right outside, she didn't think you would want to see her face right after you woke up"

"How and why am I here?"

"You had a severe allergic reaction Mr Starkey." A doctor informed him. "We had to hook you up to an IV all the while to recover you."

"Aller.. Oh.. I was feeling off when eating the curry, but I didn't want to seem rude by refusing to eat it."

"You should have told us! We would have made something else for you! It wouldn't have been rude!"

"I know, I know, I'm sorry. I ruined the day."

"Oh Richie, you didn't ruin anything. We care about you, that's all." John cooed, rubbing his back.

"I never knew.. I guess I can't handle spicy food."

"I promise never to feed you curry again." John pledged while putting his paw over his chest.

"Aw John... " giggled Ringo "Hey can we still have those jaffa cakes?"

"A whole boxful. You want some? That is if the doctor allows it."

"He's free to go now, oh. And in case he has another reaction, here's an epipen, inject it into his thigh as soon as he experiences any reactions."

Right as Ringo stepped out of the room, Mimi came running up.

"I'm so sorry, I should've noticed long before you started reacting!"

"It's ok miss Mimi, I should have stopped when you offered me something else."

"Well, I suppose now we know better. How about some Jaffa cakes now?"

Smiling, they made their way back home and just in time for dessert. "That was quite a day, I hope the sweater didn't get dirty, I was hoping John and I could wear it together."


John and Ringo found the jumper draped on the back of a chair. And without hesitation, John grabbed it and pulled it over the drummer's head, and soon after, John. They sat back at the table to find a plate of jaffa cakes awaiting them. "Thank you miss Mimi!" Purred Ringo.

Smiling, Mimi watched as her kitten and his foxy boyfriend indulging on the cream filled cookies. "You always loved them." She smiled. Getting out her camera, she took several pictures of them being cute together.

"Ah! Mimi." John yelped "You're taking pictures?"

Ringo turned to the cat "Calm down John, she's just being supportive."

"I know.. I just get so flustered whenever she does this, I hardly ever look good in pictures."

"I think you look very handsome." Mimi cooed.

John's face became as red as a tomato "Mimi... " he grumbled and turned back to face the drummer.

They shared a kiss, licking up some crumbs left behind by all the jaffa cakes they ate.



The old cat only giggled in response. Quickly she dashed out of the room, camera in hand.

Lost and found - a lennstarr storyWhere stories live. Discover now