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Ringo looked around when he entered, it's been awhile since he visited John's flat and it showed. It was now full of different musical instruments, a couple books and even paintings he made.

"Nice place ya got here."

John led him to a room for which he assumed to be his bedroom.

"Lie down and I'll get some aspirin."

"What? Here? John- I couldn't- I"

"I insist" John purred as he walked out of the room.

He just blushed away as he laid in bed, looking over, he saw a picture of John with his mother and two kittens. "Aw, John looked so happy then. I wonder who the kittens are."

"Julia Jr and Jackie, my stepsisters."

Ringo turned around in surprise "I thought you just left."

"And now I'm back, it didn't take that long to find the aspirin." John chuckled as he sat next to Ringo on the bed.

Once he took them, Ringo began to feel rather drowsy. "Oooh.. How long will it take for the pills to kick in?" He asked.

"Just a few seconds, here, I got ya an ice pack too."

Maybe it was just the pills. But when John put an ice pack on his forehead, Ringo suddenly felt more relaxed than he had in awhile, like he was finally safe. As his eyelids grew heavy, Ringo rested on John's fluffy chest, listening to his heartbeat.

"You're so comfy." Ringo smiled, snuggling deeper into his fur.

"Why thank you little Richie, I love feeling you snuggling up against me, you're as cuddly as a teddy bear." John cooed.

"Aw. You're too kind."

"Love you Rich... Richie?" John looked down to find the little fox asleep. This gave John the chance to analyse every little detail about the fox, he admired his beige fur with the little brown tuft on his head and his fluffy belly. Satisfied with his findings, John pulled the blanket over them and dozed off.


Once Ringo awoke, he could smell hot pancakes coming from the kitchen. "Smells like John made breakfast, he's such a sweetheart." He smiled.

Ringo walked towards the kitchen, there he found the familiar red tail of a certain cat by the stove.

"Morning Starr, how did you sleep?"

"Amazing, your bed is so much softer than mine."

"It was hard to get up without waking you."

"I bet it was, breakfast smells good. Pancakes?"

"That's right! Crepes actually, each layered with melted chocolate and dusted with cocoa powder on top."

"You treat me like a prince, Johnny."

"You are my prince Rich."

A light pink dusted the fox's snout and he let out a small giggle. The cat's heart skipped a beat, he loved that laugh. As the fox sat down, a plate of crepes was put in front of him.

"You made so much for me. Is there anything I can do in return?"

"Oh you don't have to do anything for me, I did all this because I love you. You mean the world to me Richie."

"And you mean the world to me John." Ringo purred. There was a long silence as they ate, there was nothing that needed to be said. Just two lovers enjoying their breakfast.

Once it was finished, Ringo insisted he did the dishes as thanks for John cooking for him. "I loved it, you're such an amazing cook Johnny."

"Mimi's recipe. Speaking of her we better get dressed before visiting."

Lost and found - a lennstarr storyWhere stories live. Discover now