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It's been a hard day, and John had been searching like a dog, he was a Ruffle after all, sniffing out lost bandmates was what he did best.

Soon the familiar smell of beer hit his nose. His mouth started to water, when was the last time he had something to drink? He followed the scent to a seemingly empty bar.

At least he assumed it was empty, in the farthest and darkest corner of the pub was a very familiar face. "Ringo.. Poor guy looks like he drank ten whole bottles while I searched.." John thought.

"Is this really how he copes? Or did Paul crush his poor little heart enough to resort to this?"

Ringo paid no attention as John slowly approached him, the little drummer was too drunk to notice anything.

John was only feet away from him, slowly approaching. As he did, he noticed more and more how much of a mess Ringo was. John hated the sight, the drummer's hair was sticking out in every direction, tears stained his cheeks, his once blue eyes now gray and puffy.

"Hey... Ringo?.." He mumbled, trying to get him to look up.

"What? Can't you see I'm wallowing in my sorrows here?" Ringo growled, burping up a bit of beer.

"I.. I was out looking for you.. What Paul said was uncalled for."

"No f*cking sh*t sherlock!"

John was taken aback by these words, this wasn't his Ringo. His Ringo was sweet, funny, and stole his heart. He had clearly lost it after putting up with not getting his deserved recognition for too long.

"Ringo.. I worried so much for you."


"I mean it."

Ringo looked up at John, he had no smirk or smile, just an understanding expression. It filled Ringo with confusion. He had never seen John act this way, to be fair, John never saw him act this way either.

"Talk to me" John whispered.

"I.. What should I say then? John? You feeling alright?" Ringo belched, leaning back into his corner.

"I.. No.. I was devastated when you were upset. Paul just doesn't know when to shut his trap."

"Of all the people to search for me, why you? If anyone it would be George. But it's you, John Lennon, why do you care?"

"I.. You're our mate.. You mean a lot to m-us!"

Ringo just scoffed. "So meaningful I could be replaced."

"THAT'S NOT TRUE!" John pounded his fist on the table. A bottle fell and shattered on the floor. And Ringo, still drunk, almost fell over. John looked up at the drummer.

"You're irreplaceable, Paul was just being a daft old git back there. You mean the world to us... To me." John confessed. "I.. I need you.. I need you more than ever."

"John I- I don't understand, w-what?"

John finally sat down.

"It's just I- I well- I" John let out a sigh of frustration and turned his head to the blue eyes staring at him. Those eyes only made it harder. Telling him only has 2 possible outcomes; one he loves him back, or two, he confesses and ruins their friendship forever.

"I.. I have fallen in love with you Ringo.." He sighed, decided to finally let out what he hid for all those years.

"You.. What?.. You love.. Me? But why me?.. I didn't think you'd fall for someone like-"

"What's not to love about you?"

"Everything, I'm useless"

"Were you not even listening? You're amazing Ringo, you're my little Starr."

"I... I don't know what to say.." Ringo mumbled, he didn't think that anyone could love him, let alone as much as John has.

John was still unsatisfied, for Ringo has not yet confessed his feelings, if he had any. The room was silent for a couple seconds, but for John, it was hours.



"Pete... look, I'm sorry. But you're not fit for this band, you need to go."

"What?! What do ya mean not fit for the band?!" Pete growled. "Ain't no one you can replace me with!"

"Well.. There's Rory's drummer who often sat in for you."

In a huff, the drummer stormed out of the room. John too left the room, but not to chase after Pete, but to welcome the newest addition to the band.

"Hey Ringo? You can come in now." He called to the shorted, blue eyed fluffy fox.

"Pete didn't take it too well I hear..."

"It really was for the best, he isn't half as good as you"

The fox smiled hearing that.

"You really think I'm good?" He asked.

"I know you are."

"I can't wait to work with you" his eyes sparkling.

"I'm excited too!" John smiled, he didn't know why, but he felt he would grow close to the drummer.

Paul and George walked into the studio, eager to meet the new drummer.

"I wonder what his favourite food is" George yipped.

"It's all food with you." Paul replied

"Now that's an exaggeration. I don't think of food 24/7... I think of it 24/6."

Paul sighed and walked into the room where the newest member stood. "So you're Ringo right? Name's Paul and over there is George." Paul introduced.

"Hi, you really think I'm better than that Pete Best fellow?"

"We wouldn't of gotten rid of him if we weren't sure of it!"

"Aw.. Well I hope I can contribute as much as I can to you all."

"You will, I know it"

Smiling, Ringo got to his drumkit and started to play once the others joined in.

Lost and found - a lennstarr storyWhere stories live. Discover now