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Cowrite by @Gorgingeorge

The Ruffles are the Beatles but as anthropmorfic animals 


Today was just another normal, boring day in the Ruffles studio. Only John and Ringo were in the recording booth at the moment. But it wasn't boring for John, for he had an overwhelming sense that the drummer might find out something he kept hidden ever since he joined.

"So you think the others will be here soon? Paul's usually the one who scolds us for being late." Ringo asked.

"He'll show up, why wouldn't he?"

"Well I was just hoping I could help out a little more in here. Sometimes I feel kinda useless.."

"What does that have to do with Paul not showing up?"

"Well, I was hoping I could ask if I could sing some more. Since you and Paul make all the decisions, I figured I should ask you both."

Before John could realise what the drummer was feeling Paul rushed in with George close behind

"What took you two so long?" John questioned

"Well lets just say Georgie here really craved Jaffa cakes and made us pull over to buy a couple hundred boxes." Paul grunted, struggling to carry the boxes of cookies into the break room.

Now that the entire band was here, Ringo decided to take the chance to say how unappreciated he feels. Opening his mouth, he tries to speak, only to be quickly shut down by Paul.

"We're all here now, let's get started!"

"Well I-"

"Ringo you're gonna be on bongos as well as your usual set."

"But I wa-"

"We can talk after we rehearse, I want this number to be perfect!"

Knowing he wouldn't win this conversation, Ringo sat down at his set.

During practice John could hardly focus.

"He's so cute when he's angry!" John thought to himself, completely ignoring what he was angry about. "Good thing I'm a cat, or my tail would be pounding on the floor right now"

Paul noticed the lack of focus and went over to them both. "Ringo, you're out of sync with the rest of us! Unless it's something really urgent, just focus on your drumming and then tell us whatever you have in mind." He grunted.

"Well I think it is something urgent. I want to feel more important in this group, I want to be able to contribute as well.. If George can get his songs on the albums, why can't I?"

"That's a conversation for another time, just try to keep up"

"Fine.. But as soon as we're done, we talk."

Once the number was finally finished, Ringo marched right up to the songwriting duo. "Now, I want to contribute."

Paul sighed "Well you're not exactly, how do I say it? Good."

"What do you mean?"

"Ritchie, we've heard you sing, we"saw your-"

"I get it"


"I know practically everyone sounds like garbage compared to you. But that doesn't mean I'm untalented! Without me you'd have no drummer, I'm here to help keep the beat in the songs.."

"There are plenty of people willing to join our band that are just as good as you!"

John looked over at Paul who was just as surprised as he was.

"So you don't need me? Is that it? I'm just an item that you can throw out and replace?"

"We never said that, we're just saying that if you do leave we can always find someone else." Paul told him.

"You just think of me like some disposable drummer, ready to replace.. Well you know, why don't you start looking for a new one right now?!"

Ringo, now with tears streaming down his face, ran out of the studio. Paul looked around to find George was still processing the entire situation, and John was in shock. But his face soon melted into anger.

"Paul.. I know we like to poke fun at Ringo a lot, but you just crossed the line right there.." He growled.

"He'll be back before you know it John, Ringo's got thick skin, I'm sure he can take criticism."

"That wasn't criticism, that was straight up telling him he's useless. There is no one in the world like Ringo, and if you can't see that, maybe you should start your own group without him and see how that turns out."

Paul was shocked, why would his best friend, someone he has known for since 1958, who helped create THE Ruffles, care more for Rango than him.

"Gr.. You're awfully defensive of him Lennon.. But he'll be back tomorrow as usual, he hasn't given up on us yet."

"Well you wait, I'm gonna go and look for him right now."

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