Swimming (Jade x Vermillion x Floyd)

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Vermillion made sure to be quiet as she slipped into the pool area. Her green eyes scanned the empty area and a breath escaped her. It was very late, but who cares? Vermillion needed some water to cool her senses. It was therapeutic for her.

Caution overtook her as she continued to survey the area. There were people here. Vermillion had picked up on their scent. Where were they? Wait, they. More than one. Two scents if her nose served her correctly. The female groaned on the inside. Just perfect. The twins were here.

Vermillion had discarded of her outer layers and trotted towards the pool in a navy blue one piece. Bikinis were not for her. She didn't see the appeal in them. Vermillion sat down at the edge of the pool with her lower legs in the water. The dark couldn't seem to best her good eyesight as she noticed two dark figures in the pool hovering around her.

May as well say hi.

Vermillion summoned her siren form and pushed herself into the water. Her eyes opened to see the Leech twins staring at her. Floyd immediately became excited. "Anemone-chan! So you were the mysterious person there!"

Jade still was gentlemanly. "It is good to see you again Vermillion. How has school been for you?"

Vermillion shrugged. "Same old, same old. I'm glad to be here. Swimming is therapeutic for me when school is tough."

"Have you been losing sleep over it?"

"Of course I haven't. I have a stable sleep schedule and plenty who can testify for me."

Floyd had gotten a hold of her and was now squeezing her. "You know Anemone-chan, we could always hurt someone who's bothering you."

Jade looked at his brother with an appalled look that quickly dropped. Vermillion hummed. "Well, there is this one student..."

Both of them were now alert. Vermillion continued. "He's a pervert and he keeps trying to get too close. I have shoved him so many times already and I'm thinking of asking my grandfather to turn him into a rodent. Maybe a hamster. Or a guinea pig."

The tweels both exchanged knowing looks. They would contact Loki later on. For now, why not just spend some time with Vermillion?

Swimming competitions were to be expected from Floyd and Vermillion. Jade just watched as the two competitive souls competed against each other to win.

-The Next Day-

"Anemone-chan, do you want to swim with us again tonight?" Floyd asked after school. Vermillion hummed.
"I don't see why not, so sure." Vermillion smiled at him. Floyd grinned and the two bid each other good day.

Jade put his phone down when Floyd bustled in. Floyd was eager to hear what Loki was going to do. Jade smiled at him. "Loki has agreed to help us. We'll be rid of him soon."

Floyd clapped his hands together in excitement. Anyone who hurt or made Vermillion uncomfortable was going to have fun with Hel. She was probably going to cause a casualty or two but who cared?

As long as they got to see that playful and competitive spirit, it was worth it.

Sorry these have been so short, but I can't think of a lot at the moment. School is killing me here. Not literally of course.

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