My Nocturnal Serenade (Vampire!Trey x Vampire Hunter!Vermillion)

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Note: This is my first songfic. I hope you like it. My Nocturnal Serenade fitted so perfectly with this AU is what I thought. I hope you all agree. Enjoy this!

Vermillion was a top class vampire hunter. Her wolf senses helped her track down vampires. She was also the right hand woman of her boss, a man named Luke. Her family supported her throughout her work and many of the workers stared at her with envy. Perhaps that envy is what led to this....


"Are there any new missions?" Vermillion asked Emma, the one who gave missions. There were none of course, but Emma was envious of the female.
"Actually yes, there is. We have gotten word of a vampire going around killing humans in a local city. Here's where the vampire lives. I hope you come back safely." Emma said, sliding an address over. Vermillion scanned it before slipping it into her pocket and leaving.

-End of Flashback-

Vermillion was actually curious about this. Her trek through the woods was one of length and before she knew it, night had passed. Vermillion was tired from the long trek, but kept going. Her eyes were trying to stay open, but after an hour, she collapsed against a tree.

-Timeskip, it is now 1 pm-

Vermillion woke up and went back to her walk. She was determined to get back to this. Pushing herself was probably not healthy, but Vermillion kept going. She WAS going to complete this mission. To think, it was a day ago when she accepted the mission. Did this vampire live in the middle of nowhere? Sure seemed like it.

-6 hours later-

"Keep.... going...." Vermillion said as she pushed herself. It was cold. Very cold. As expected of winter. The cold was just now seeping into her bones and her breath came out in little puffs. Snow was falling too. Vermillion found a tree to collapse against and huddled into herself to keep her body heat. As she closed her eyes, the scent of a vampire caught her nose. Her eyes shot open only for two hands to shut them and knock her out.

-Trey, Third Person POV-

Trey was.... surprised to say the very least. No one had ever entered his domain before. Not even hunters. The hunters knew how dangerous he was and steered clear of him. Humans went out of their way to protect themselves from Trey. So why was there a female vampire hunter in his domain? Trey examined her. Her blueish black hair was tangled and had snow in it. From what he had seen, she had emerald green eyes. Her features were also extraordinarily beautiful. For a hunter, that is. All those layers she had on her were unnerving to say the least.

Still, she was human or somewhat close to human. Humans could die of cold weather. Trey picked the hunter up, lightly jostling snow from her hair. Then he teleported away to the place he called home.


For the entire week the hunter was passed out, Trey had taken care of her. He gave her potions to give her nutrition and managed to get water down her throat. He had removed some of her layers, but not all of them (he wasn't a pervert after all). Trey also made sure she slept with a heating pad to keep herself warm. Finally, after a whole week, Trey noticed the hunter begin to stir lightly.


Vermillion woke up with a pounding headache. The first thing she noticed was that she wasn't in the woods. The other things she noticed was that she no longer had some of layers and was only in a t-shirt and shorts and that someone had made her sleep with a heating pad. Vermillion then caught the smell of vampire again. Due to her splitting headache, Vermillion unfortunately had to stay lying down. A voice then met her ears. "So, finally awake I see."

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