Ghost Marriage Pt.4

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New anger helped me fight back until my mother whistled. I turned to her and she pointed to Idia. I rolled my shoulders and walked to him. I threw the half melted chains off and kicked under his foot. This helped push him into my arms as I then turned and brought him to my family. I then jumped into the battle. It was over after some blows. Mostly from me. Ace cheered when we were done. "Oh yessss!!!!!!! We did it, we finally beat him!"

"Yeah!" Grim cheered.
"Ah......... Ahh...........!" Eliza seemed horrified. I hummed in response.
"There are no bodyguards that'll protect the ghost bride now. Let's put the ring on her finger." Riddle said.
"Do it quickly before she goes on a rampage!" Epel shouted.
"No way......" Eliza said.
"Alright, what are your last words? Don't you want to bid farewell to your lovely Idia....." I shushed Ace.
"CHUBBY!" Eliza cried.
"Eh?" Riddle, Ace, and Epel said.
"Chubby, Ahh...... How could this happen....! You became so injured protecting me from those villains......" Eliza said.
"Villains!? .......Is she talking about us!?" Ace said. I shushed him again.
"Your highness, please don't be sad. Seeing your smile is the happiest thing for me......" Chubby was starting to vanish.
"Chubby? Why is your body slowly disappearing......." Eliza questioned.
"It seems like I have used all my power for the battle just now. Your highness...... I hope that you can be happy forever. I'll wish for your happiness in my heart. Please be happy with your prince......" Chubby was disappearing even more.
"No...... No, don't go!" Eliza turned to me, but I shook my head.
"It has to be you." I said. Eliza turned back to Chubby.
"You're always there for me, you stayed by my side and encouraged me. Because of you, I never gave up on my dream no matter how hard it is. I need you!" Eliza cried.
"Your highness......" Chubby said.
".......Ah, is that it? I finally understand it now. My true prince charming is..... Chubby, it's you!" Eliza said.
"EEH!?" Epel, Riddle, and Ace shouted. Ow, my ears.
"Your highness....... Eliza. Me too, I've been worshipping you since I was born." Nine Realms, I'm about to cry.
"Chubby....... I love you....." She then gave her true prince a kiss. He was then healed to perfect condition.
"Hm? My wounds are recovering!" Chubby said.
"It must be the power of love. The kiss of love, the power of love.... It has saved you!" Eliza smiled as a stray tear escaped the corner of my right eye.
"Oohhh~~! This is great, really great~~~~!" The servants cheered.
"Eh....? Huh....?? ........What's with all this scenario? Is it only me who can't process anything that happened right now?" Ace, shut up. Don't ruin the moment.
"It feels like we are the bad ones here....." Riddle said as Eliza apologized to Idia. It was lovely. Eliza then flew over to me.
"You were right godling. I thank you." Eliza said as she reached over to wipe a tear off my face.
"Well, I am a Seer. We know what is supposed to happen." I said with a smile.

Eliza smiled at me before turning to the other ghosts. "Everyone, listen up! I'm going to be with my true destined partner. I'm getting married to Chubby!!"

This was followed by applause from the crowd of ghosts and me. The people were all smiling. "Congratulations! We have never been so happy before! Princess Eliza and Prince Chubby! Hurray!!"

More applause. The headmaster and Ortho then entered. I dreaded the headmaster's words. "Going through 500 years of despair, she's finally found her true love! I'm so touched. Love is a must! I knew the proposal wouldn't succeed anyway! The most important thing is love! That's right!"

Cue me screeching while my father holds me back and Ortho hugs his brother. Eliza giggled at me and the rest of the ghosts, excluding Chubby, looked at me funny. Chubby was just happy that his fiancé was smiling at my little show, no matter how unladylike I was being. My mother and Brook were trying to get me to stop before I started cursing. I was pissed and I'm pretty sure the gold was showing. Idia was now getting advice from Rook. Funny. I then heard Lilia. "Well well. What a troublesome matter we were involved in."

Azul spoke next. "We can finally move our bodies."

I turned to them. "I'm glad you all are free from the binding."

Deuce then enveloped me in a hug. "Thank you for coming to save us, Vermillion!"

I returned the hug and turned towards Trey and Ace. Trey smiled at Ace. "Ace! You did very well!"

Ace grinned. "Hehe. You should thank me enough~ Because I had retrieved the failure of Trey's horrible 'song'!"

"Please, forget about it....."

"ACE! STOP TEASING AURUM!" I shouted and he held his hands up in surrender. I looked to Jack and Epel next.
"Epel. You weren't afraid when you were facing that huge monster. You're pretty good. I changed my mind about you!" Jack praised.
"Jack, if you praise me directly, it's kinda embarrassing....." Epel hummed.
"Is that it? Sorry." Jack apologized.
"But, I feel so happy. Thank you!" Hitting me right in the feels you two. Jade and Rook are together.
"I'm so thankful for you Rook, you took refuge for us, that's why none of us got injured. As expected from your attentiveness." Jade praised.
"Oh, Monsieur Mastermind! If you were in the same spot as me, you would do the same right?" Rook, no. That would be a nightmare.
"Jade would obviously smile while looking at us." Azul cut in.
"I see. Leaving the condition to get decided by fate, it's really beautiful." Rook hummed. Floyd is annoying Riddle.
"Goldfishie is really strong~~~! I feel like going rampage now. Be my opponent." Floyd hummed.



"Cater, hurry back to the dorm now!" Riddle commanded.
"Eh, me? Why?" Cater asked.
"Because you got second place in yesterday's croquet competition! If you don't pour tea for me before twelve, we're going to break the rules of the Queen of Hearts, number 703!" Riddle shouted.
"There's such a thing~!? That's why you keep notice of the time. Riddle, you're really strict! Then I'll rush back to the dorm in a few seconds to pour tea since you worked really hard." Cater and Riddle then rushed off as I broke the hug to look at Chubby and Eliza.
"You guys, I'm sorry for giving you so much trouble." Chubby hummed.
"Apology accepted." I said with a smile.
"Thanks to you, I finally noticed my true love. Everyone, thank you so much!" Eliza piped up.
"You're really a troublemaker.... Well, isn't it great. You don't have to forcibly clear your regret, you even found your true happiness." Ace said.
"Yeah, we can go on our honeymoon trip without any worries." Eliza said happily.
"It's finally peaceful now." Ortho said.
"Ah I hate it. I really hate it. I think I might have a ghost phobia for a while now......" Idia said.
"Word of advice if you don't mind." Eliza and Chubby drifted closer to me.

I took a deep breath before pointing with both hands at my parents. "Do not be like these two when on your honeymoon. Father here was a massive flirt when it came to Mother so you can only guess what was happening on their honeymoon."

-Third Person POV-

Sirenous and Fenris Wolf turned to each other nervously. Who told her and who even spied on them? This was information they needed.

Everyone else could imagine. Oh, the flirting would be more like..... oh s**t. They were all getting mental pictures. Chubby and Eliza nodded to Vermillion. Vermillion was satisfied with that. "Good. Should I expect more visits?"

Eliza nodded. "I'll bring my healthy baby to come visit here next year, please look forward to it!"

"DON'T COME AGAIN!!!!!" All of the students except Vermillion shouted. Now she was pissed off.

"FIRST OF ALL, OW, MY EARS!!!! SECOND OF ALL, SHUT THE F**K UP!!!!" Eliza laughed at the woman. What a treasure.

-Timeskip, Back to Vermillion-

The ghosts were disappearing. After the couple disappeared, a small tear slipped from my eye. Headmaster Crowley then spoke. "Today was a very awful day. Anyway, I'm glad it's all settled now......"

I just rushed over to join my family as the others watched. Today was a day that would stay attached to my memory.

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