Christmas Soulmate (Oneshot)

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Sorry for my absence. I've been busy with school and then I got sick, so a lot has been happening. Here's a Christmas oneshot. Enjoy!

Prompt: Xavier always awaited the day he would kiss his soulmate. The day was December 25th and he waited patiently. A Christmas party would be his chance.
AU: Soulmate-The day you kiss your soulmate is printed on your wrist. When you kiss your soulmate, the date fades away. That's the sign you've found your soulmate.
Pairing: Xavier x Lilia Vanrouge

"Hey, Xavier. When are you going to kiss your soulmate?"

Ace's words jolted Xavier back to the present. He had been spacing out until Ace had said that. Xavier tilted his head. "Why do you ask? Just curious?"

Ace hummed. "Pretty much. So, when are you going to kiss them?"

Xavier checked his wrist even though he knew the date like the back of his hand. He was patiently (note:not very) awaiting the day. "I'm going to kiss them on December 25th. Christmas Day."

"Oooh. That's kinda romantic. I bet you and your soulmate are going to kiss under mistletoe."

Deuce huffed as he poked Ace. "Ace, stop teasing Xavier. They may kiss with snow falling around them. That'd be more romantic.... I think."

Ace raised a brow. "You think?"

The two then started to bicker. Xavier smiled as he shook his head. He then checked the time. "Crap! Sorry you two! I've gotta run! Club meeting. You know the drill."

Deuce nodded. "Don't forget your auditory protection. It's going to be loud."

"Yeah, yeah. I've got the noise cancellers in my bag, don't worry."

Xavier then raced off while his friends waved.


The Light Music Club was usually loud, so Xavier had headphones in most of the time as his ears were sensitive to sound.

No one knew that Xavier had a beastial side or that he could use magic at all. To them, he was just a hypersensitive human being.

When the group Xavier hung out with was done jamming out, they immediately came over to sit with them. Xavier would sing sometimes, garnering attention with his wonderful voice.

Lilia was spellbound the moment Xavier first sang for the club. He was a gorgeous man and a lovely person. He was smart and picked up on things fast, if anything his alchemy grades proved that real quick.

Xavier opened one side of the headphones to listen to the group. Cater leaned forward, a grin on his face. "So, when are you all going to kiss your soulmate?"

Kalim was the first to answer, thankfully for Xavier. "I've already kissed my soulmate! It was an accidental kiss with Jamil. But apparently that was the day we were supposed to kiss, so our numbers faded!"

Xavier hummed. "Fascinating. It must've been quite a shock."

"Yeah! It was! Anyways, Lilia, what about you?"

Lilia hummed. "I actually don't remember. I'll have to check and see. Wait a moment, please."

Lilia then rolled down his sleeve and his eyes lit up. "December 25th. That's the day."

Xavier felt his heart thud against his ribs. That was the day he was supposed to kiss his soulmate. Was it a crazy coincidence that the person he caught feelings for had the same day as him? It had to be, there was no other way.

A tap to the arm made Xavier jolt. Cater was giving him a worried frown. "Xavier, Lilia wants to know what your day is."

Should he lie? He probably should. Even if it was just to stall. Xavier put on his best smile for them. "Mine's December 24th! Isn't that awesome? We'll both be kissed in December! Of course, I'm going to get kissed before you."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2022 ⏰

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