Swimming (Solis x Charlie x Balto)

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"Come on Charlie!"

"I don't know Solis......"

Solis and Balto internally sighed as they watched Charlie fidget at the edge of the pool. Dominic and Kiki, who were double dating with the couple, shook their heads. As much as they loved him, he had been WAY too fidgety there for their liking.

Solis sighed as he went to the underwater stairway and held his arms out. Balto was right beside him. Solis wanted to gently coax Charlie. "Come on Charlie. One step at a time. Balto and I will catch you if you trip. You can also cling onto us if you get nervous."

Charlie clung onto the railway as he dipped his feet into the water. He kept his eyes shut as he made his way towards his boyfriends. Solis was still coaxing him. "Almost there. You got it babe."

Charlie reached the last stair and opened his eyes to see Solis and Balto in front of him. He was clearly trembling due to his hydrophobia. Solis and Balto gently took him away from the stairs. Charlie clung to them. Balto was drawing shapes on the younger male's back as though to soothe him. Solis then disappeared underwater. Charlie shrieked, unhappy that Solis had disappeared, and Balto quickly shushed him. "Shush dear. Solis is alright. This isn't our first time in the water."

Charlie clung to Balto for dear life while Kiki scolded a dark shape in the water. "Stop that. You're freaking him out!"

Solis finally surfaced and shot Charlie an apologetic smile. "Sorry babe! I just wanted to stretch my fins before we started."

Charlie made grabbing motions at Solis and Solis swam over. Charlie immediately wrapped himself around Solis like a koala as soon as the male was in range of his arms. Balto tsked and Solis sighed. "I get it Balto. It was uncalled for, I know, I know."

Dominic eyed Charlie with concern. It seemed like Charlie had forgotten that his boyfriends were half siren. It took a few more minutes until Charlie was ready to loosen his grip. Solis was ready to start the lesson. He gripped Charlie's hand. "The first thing you'll be learning to do is float on the water's surface. You alright with that?"

Charlie nodded. "Sounds alright. I guess."

Solis nodded to Balto. Balto moved to his right and took a hold of Charlie. Solis just watched and coached Charlie through it. "Try to relax. Let your feet lift off the ground. Hold your legs out straight once you're horizontal. Arch your back and head just right. It should be so that your ears are submerged. Close your eyes once you feel ready to just float."

Charlie followed Solis's instructions with Balto helping to align him. Once Charlie was situated, Balto let go of him and stepped back two steps. Charlie closed his eyes and started to relax. He was doing proper breathing techniques to calm himself. Dominic and Kiki were impressed by Solis and Balto. Charlie seemed more comfortable around them. A voice suddenly broke their train of thought. "Hello there! Are you single?"

Dominic and Kiki realized a female was watching Balto with hungry eyes. Balto, however, was not very impressed with the woman. "No. I have someone I call mine. Stay away from me ma'am."

Charlie had tried to sit up, only to realize he wasn't in a chair. Solis cursed under his breath and swam over to help Charlie stop sinking. Balto turned to Charlie to see Solis holding him now. Sighs of relief left their lips as Charlie clung onto Solis like a koala once again. The woman seemed disappointed, but seemed persistent in her attempts. "Good sir, if I may speak."

"You may not speak to me. I know what you're intentions are and so I must decline."

The woman seemed furious, but saw Kiki and Dominic in front of the three now. Kiki had her phone in her hand. "Leave or we'll call the police on you."

The woman turned tail and ran as Kiki's phone was put back in her bag. Balto had levitated it into her hand when the woman started. Dominic glanced over at Charlie. "Is Charlie alright?"

Solis grinned at him. "Shaken up a bit, but other than that he's good."

Balto turned to his brother. "Pool dates should be a once a month. Let's arrange more calm dates from now on, eh Solis?"

"I can work with that. How about a dinner date next time?"

Charlie nodded into Solis's shoulder. Nine Realms, how did he get so lucky as to get two godlings as boyfriends? Was it something about his family? Was it just him? Ah, who cared about that right now? What mattered to Charlie was that the two were his and he was theirs. Ah, how he loved these two.

The aftermath?

They went to get some snacks and planned to watch a movie at Charlie's dorm. Thank gosh Dominic was his roommate or he would've been asked so many questions.

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