Chapter 19

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The Phraoh?

My palm was still on Haetu's lips covering it. I noticed as he quickly disattached himself from him leaving me dumbfounded. Cairo walk with grave look in his face hostile. I was just shocked and did not know what to do until Haetu recieved his presence and bowed down as a general would do, I followed not knowing what to do. "What are you doing." Haetu whisper to me and contacted me with sardonic look.
I didn't replied to him as I saw his feet infront of us. I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead... what did i do... I was just talking to him.. why is he super angry.

" a goddess shouldn't kneel down. " his voice grim and dark like the words came from the base of his throat. I just gulped and hope he do not punish me.
My eyes were close shut until I felt a strong hand pick me up in one strong pull with that I was seating like a cat on his arm, my eyes were forced to open to see him down, I was a little above him and my hand were forced to hold his shoulder for support.

"If anyone say anything about this I'll rip that traitor's lips. " he said with a scary tone but his eyes were just dreamy.

He look to Haetu the poor General who had not left any inch of his head up and sigh,
" Haetu go check the soldiers." And with a quick reply he bowed and quickly disappear.
I almost choke on the fact that he may punish him and I could not bare the fact that he would.

"And you". He look back to me, I could feel his strong and suggestive eyes but also dreamy ones, the whole look was not giving a hint of gentle and warm but only cold and Moody air from him.

"You will have to explain yourself Chione".  I struggle to reach the floor by my feet with a desire to not even talk to him nor to explain myself to him. "You can't reach the floor my love, your too short for it". Bastard!  My height isn't the one to blame.

I crossed my arm and show him a fixed look of saying 'I'm not talking anything' kind of way, then his hand gestures something that i can hear slippers with tow steps sound.

" I can say that I do not need to explain it, your majesty". I look away with uninterest and finally he put me down but with his hands both on my shoulder keeping me in place with a reassuring grip that he will pull me back.

" you better talk if you don't want to be punished".
Threatening aren't we? Isn't becoming a tyrant to punish a highly praised goddess.

"Your Majesty your being too close". I sigh with distaste.
His hands run to my other hand and noticed it was the hand which I cover to Haetu's mouth, he slowly raised them to his and staire at it with annoyance, " your hand are mine. You are mine." He said looking to me by saying 'you are mine' with a strong look.

" Pardon me but I'm..." He cut me off after pulling in for a kiss, a kiss that is been so long since he did... I pull away harder and as I did I pushed him, "you don't own me. Your Majesty but I..." He kissed me again but this time a forceful way with a strong grip. We stoped after I almost lost breath.

" Chione, you are mine, I announce you to be mine and everyone in Egypt even the gods agreed to this love, they fully support it. " I moved away quickly. I didn't like the way he said it, my heart was skipping a beat but my whole body is aching after losing a breath and thinking that this isn't right. Cairo was just one of them who force there love to someone.
I don't consider love that way.

" I won't agree to that, you would consider my desicion if you really do love me." I turn sharply away and walk faster. In my he a I have to talk to Ammon and Isis, I have to stop this.


As Nepthys left the Phraoh's heart was once again broken. He did not even know he was soft like this, he was longing for his dear Chione and seeing her like that almost shearing tears hurt him.

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