Chapter 33

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Peony POV:

What happen.

Is the drink spiked?

I remember that Keira brought me the refreshment... It cannot be her... I trusted her, she is very nice to me, caring and lovable she is not that type of person to betray someone.

My whole world shutter because of idea of betrayal.
I could not accept it, how can I accept it, she was like a friend to me, a sister.

A motion of movement that rock me back and fort grabbed me to what seems a deep slumber.
My eyes that slowly open up were enveloped by this bright light that slowly shows a carved ceiling and a modern chandelier. The smell of scented candle snake to my senses.

" Grand daughter ", the voice of a silky and relieved voice gasped air as she said that, my grandmother was there crying with a smile.

I was stunned after seeing her face and the familiar face of my brother sleeping in the next wall across the bed, he was looking dead worried as he sleep his eyes and his body on the red couch.

" Why am I here? " I ask  Grandmother and she nod her head to me simply understanding what I meant about that.

She hold my hands and sigh before she could utter any word to me. She wiped her tears and look back to that one person who was inside the room which I my brother sleeping like an oil.

" Your mother asked me and she sent you back. She told me that it is becoming dangerous and she could not bare to see you dead lost in a loop ". She shake her head grief-stricken.

As I speak to Grandmother with a thin voice for what I had experience she nod and started comforting me. " What happen... what happen there now ", I said to her as the idea quickly jump back to me.

" Egypt... Egypt must be in trouble... Cairo, He-- ", she hashed me and hold my hands slowly caressing it to calm my nerves.

I was suddenly back to reality, I could not accept that I have left Egypt while I'm safe in my own original time.

" There must be something I can do... " I said flat in a wavering tone.

A sharp ping of headache slowly grasp my head. It was painful but I shrugged it off somehow looking for an idea. My jaw clench in pain and my grandmother soon no ice that she run out and came back running bringing pain killer and water.

" You have to rest Peony, you just came back. This is bad for you ". She said handing me the medicine and water to my hands and which I quickly drink it without any second thought.

It was awfully heavy that after consuming it, my whole body feel wobbly and relaxed.

" Honey, please don't  push yourself too hard. We cannot do anything for those people. Egypt is in the hands of a Hittite Princess ". She lead my body back flat and cover the dovet to me.
My eyes slowly close like a child but my words were coming out as if my sense of talking was the last thing to shut down. " I need to go back ". The last word was uttered like that.


My body feel heavy. The room was darker because of the heavy curten. I yawn out my sleepiness away and slowly lift my body. It feel like I have slept for a very long time that make my whole memory a bit faded.

" Where are they... " I touch my head and slowly massage it and whizz in pain.

I know this isn't my room in Egypt, this is my room in my original place, the present time.

I slowly move my weak body out of the bed almost crawling. The last thing I have remember is that Grandmother gave me painkillers to relieved the pain from a sudden come back.
I understand how the body react to time specially when I look much older back at Egypt because of the harsh environment unlike from this present environment.

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