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Kara's Part

Few days or weeks later, (I did not count the days that would have been so painful) I was still sad...disappointed...broken. I haven't seen Lena. I made myself some free day at the CatCo. Kara Danvers was on day off, but I couldn't do this with Supergirl too. I couldn't let people die, because I felt like I'm dying without my best friends, secret love. They were counting on me. Supergirl was a hero. National City's hero, and I couldn't let people in. That's not me.

I was still mad at Lena, because she lied to me, but I was more mad myself because I didn't tell her how I feel when she was in my apartment. She told me she loves me. In her own language. She told me a lot of things and if I listened carefully I understood what she was trying to tell me.

I felt so stupid cause I didn't notice it sooner, because I was mad at her that much. She didn't deserve it. I knew after the argument, I just didn't feel myself enough strong to tell her all this thing.

I was in my apartment when I heard some scream from the street. I jumped in my suit and flew to save someone. I looked down and tried to find the source of the sound. A tall man grabbed a teen girl, and he was searching someone with his eyes. When he saw me a little smark was on his face. I landed in front of her.

- Let her go! -My voice was loud and commanding, but he didn't even move.

- Supergirl! I really hoped that you would come here! He had black short hair, scary black eyes and full balck outfit. He was pretty scary, but I wasn't afraid of him.

- I said let her go! She is just a 16 years old girl. What did she do against you?

- We aren't here because of her Kryptonian. We're here because of you.

- Fine. Enough! -I pulled the girl out of his arms and pulled her closer to me. The man still smiled at me. I was so confused, when I heard shots. I felt hard pain in my stomach. The girl took a step beside the man and she looked at me with a gun in her hands. What?! I took my hand to my stomach and I was so surprised when I saw blood on my hands. The bullet doesn't hurt me. Usually. I felt on my knee while the pain just grew in my body. The man stepped before me and looked at me cowered.

- What have you done? -my voice was weak and quiet. Thousands of things were in my head. He fondled my face.

- It's kryptonite bullets. I knew if you think someone is in trouble you will come here. You are so weak if you have to save people. You trust in everyone. -You really think I don't know? Ask Lena.

- Who the hell are you? -I felt as I got weaker and weaker. All I thought about was Lena. I knew that I had to tell her my feelings, but I never knew what were them.

- No one. I'm nothing. Like you would be some minutes later. People will forget that you ever lived. They will have new heroes and you can't do anything. The kryptonite will kill you. And you will know that no one will think about you again. Not your family, not your friends, not the people you saved. They will forget you. SHE will forget you. -the smirk was on his face again. I hated it. I wanted to punch him, but if I just moved, it got worse. Wait! She??

- Lena? -I asked her name. I didn't want to die. I wasn't ready. I had to talk to Lena. -Please! I have to talk to her! -the man raised his eyebrows. He shaked his head and punched me on my face. At that moment I knew that probably I would die, and I love Lena. I didn't have questions anymore. I just knew. And I couldn't tell her.

Lena's part

I saw the news. I heard she got shot. I heard she is dying. My heart broke every time I heard her name or saw her blonde hair and her red/blue suit. I wanted to see her so much, but I thought nobody wanted me there. Our argument made the end of our relationship. There was the end. I told her how I feel about her, and she just let me go. I told Jess that she had to tell me every news story about Supergirl dying. I was in my office and just watched my balcony. She always landed there. I sat on my couch and drank whiskey. I missed Kara so much. More than I ever thought I could. I put my hands together and closed my eyes.

- Dear God... or Rao (You can never know) this thing is not my thing too much. I know we aren't too good friends but please listen to me. Supergirl is dying. Kara is dying. I can't lose her you know? If she mad at me, that's ok, If she doesn't wanna see me, is ok too, but If she is dead? I can live in a world where she doesn't exist. She is my Sun. We can't live without the Sun. My whole world runs around her. She is my first thought in the morning, and the last at night. She saved thousands of people. She deserves to live. She must have to live. The Earth needs her! I need her! Please don't make me feel the pain of losing her. Please let me have a chance to change mine and Kara's story. I know I'm not the person you wanna talk to. I'm evil, a villain and I will go to hell. But Kara isn't like me. She is good, kind, sweet and soft. She is the best person I ever met. She is the one person who really deserves the chance to survive the dead... After Jesus necessarily... Please don't take her from the World, from me! Thanks! 

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