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Lena's part

I knew I came here to talk to her. To tell her that I gave back the Myriad. Yes I wanted to use it, but I changed my mind. And Kara helped me in this. She just tried to save me from the loss. Because if I do anything right, I can't change the people. That's not how this works.

But now we were on a small lift, she looked beautiful and I haven't seen her since a day. I let my hormones take control over me and stopped the lift with a button with a STOP caption. Her eyes met with mine. She licked her lips. FUCK! I took a huge step forward and stopped in front of her. Our lips were some inch apart. I looked down at hers.

"H-Hi." I loved how cute was she. Every part of me wanted to kiss her pink lips. I didn't wanna screw things up (like Cat said) so I took a step back and pushed the button again. I could see how fast it went up and down Kara's chest.

In her apartment, we were sitting on the couch.

"So you gave it back."

"Yeah I did." I turned to her and she turned to me. "I tried to understand you. From the beginning. I tried to understand, why kept you secrets from me, why do you want the Myriad back this much. And finally I saw your side. I really believe that you did these things to protect me. I can't be mad at you because of this. Then again... I said bad things to you, and I'm really sorry. Every time I think something hurtful will happen I build a wall and hide behind it. I tried to push you away and I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Kara." She stood up and went to the kitchen. She took two glasses and filled them up with water. I went to the other side of the counter and took one of the glasses.

"You are not the only one, who made a mistake, Lena. Can we do things like this in the future somehow easier?"

"How do you think that?"

"I don't know. Maybe we should figure something out. You know if something like this is happening. If our opinions are different this much."

"We will figure something out." I gazed at her with a shy smile. I didn't wanna fight with her anymore. I put the glass down and look her up and down. God she was beautiful.

"And now..." I walked closer to her. "I will help you out of this cute dress, because I wanna hear how you are screaming my name."

She looked at me with big eyes and started coughing. Maybe I should have waited until she stopped drinking.

"Are you ok, Darling?" I smirked at her and simultaneously took a step closer. My hands were on the two sides of the counter next to her waist.

"More than ok." Her eyes glowed with love and something darker. Something dangerous, something tempting.


The sun shone the whole room. Seriously, only Kara can have a room, which is so bright at 8:00 in the morning. Kara was holding me from behind. Her hands were around my hips and pulled me closer to her. I turned around and watched her peaceful face. She looked more beautiful (If she can be more beautiful) than other times. She looked pure and good.

"Now you are who is staring, Love." She whispered but she didn't open her eyes.

"Good morning" I gave a kiss to her nose. She giggled.

"Good morning. When did we fall asleep?" Her eyes were still closed.

"It was a looong day, Darling." It really was. We did a lot of things in a lot of places in this house.

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