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Hi! This is the second part of the last chapters. I really really hope that you liked the story! Please if you can, leave comments and let me know what do you think. Thank you so much for the votes! I'm so so grateful for them! Thank you so much! <33

I watched my beautiful sister who stood in front of a mirror in the most beautiful dress. Eliza and I stood next to her. I wore a little pink-red dress. Alex watched herself in the mirror.

"I'm so proud of you Alex." Eliza was wiping her tears.

"Thank you mom."

We got here quickly. Lena and Sam are with Maggie and Me and Eliza are with Alex.

"Everything will be fine right?" My sister looked at me.

"If I have to I will kick some ass, but this day will be perfect."

"Thanks." She laughed. We all turned our head to the door, when it opened loud. Lena! She wore a dark red super-super-hot dress and so Sam did. Actually we all wore the same dress, just in different colors. The Danvers and me looked at them questionable. Lena's eyes were only on me.

"God, You are beautiful." She whispered. Her eyes were hungry and this made me blush.

"Yeah she is beautiful. Not like this is my big day." Alex rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, you are stunning Alex." Lena smiled at Alex who showed a thankful smile.

"Did you see Maggie somewhere?" Sam asked quietly.

"What?" We asked back together.

"You can't find my fiancé?" Alex's face was so scared. I looked at Lena and she avoided my gaze.

"No! We know where she is. We just asked. Just in case." Sam shrugged her shoulder.

"What's going on?" I asked from Lena, she shook her head. The door was open and I saw Maggie's white suit., when she stopped in the door. I ran there and closed the door a little.

"Maggie, you can't see Alex before the wedding."

"Maggs?" Alex asked nervously.

"Thank God, we find her." Sam looked at Lena. "I mean we didn't have to find it because we know where she was. Totally." She looked ALex, who just rolled her eyes.

"Alex, babe I want kids. A lot." Maggie said despairingly. I held the door and looked at Maggie confused and then Alex, who was more confused.

"What? No Maggie, you don't have to say that."

"No really, I just heard, when Ruby talked with someone about Sam. I want someone who talks about me like that. Like I would be the hero of the world."

"I'm the hero of the world." I whispered to Lena who stood next to me.

"I know Darling." She gazed at me with a smile.

"I want it. I want kids and I want them with you. Maybe two, and they can have a bond like you and Kara. God that would be perfect." Maggie continued her speech until someone knocked on her shoulder.

"What's happening here?" J'onn was in his black suit.

"Maggie realized that she wants kids and she came here to tell Alex." I told her from the door.

"Then this is good news right?" He looked down at Maggie.

"I don't know Alex hasn't said anything."

"Yes, it is. God, If this wouldn't be our wedding, I would propose to you again." Alex watched the door like she would watch her love.

"I love that you could talk this, but the wedding is starting 3 minutes later so maybe you should be down there right?" J'onn looked at Maggie who got her hands in front of her mouth.

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