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Kara's part

I turn around on my bed...wait. I opened my eyes and I recognized that I wasn't at home. Not in my apartment, not in my bed. I sat up quickly. That was Lena's room and Lena's bed. I'm in Lena's bed! The coffee smell filled the rooms. I looked next to me, but Lena wasn't there. I really was tired. Mentally not physically. The night was amazing, perfect and sooo hot. I did things, what I never did before, and I have to say, I thought Lena liked it. I was proud of myself? Hell yeah! I wanted to do this with you forever? Hell yeah! I listened and I heard her voice. It was so soft and kind and made my heart melt.

"Alex look..." I raised my eyebrows.

"No Lena, she is my sister. I love her, and I love you. But you have to understand me. You have to promise me this."

"Alex, listen I love her. With my whole heart. She is my life, my home. I don't wanna hurt her. I would never do that. I promise you." I just realized now that I was wearing Lena's hoodie. I smiled and for a minute, I forgot to listen to the conversation between my sister and my girlfriend. My girlfriend. It sounds great.

"Thank you Lena. She is so important to me."

"She is important to me too."

"So enough of the lot of emotions. I have to find Supergirl. Seriously she really doesn't know what it means to not be late." I giggled when Lena laughed.

"Bye Alex!"

"Bye Lena!" I sat on the bed when the door closed after Alex. I heard that Lena came to the room. She opened the door with 2 mugs on her hands.

"Good morning darling!" She smiled at me and sat down to the bed next to me. Lena gave me a mug and gave me a kiss on my cheek.

"Good morning!"

"You were so cute while you were sleeping. I didn't want to wake up you." I smiled at her while she was staring at me. Her beautiful green eyes seduced me. 

"So my sister was here."

"Yeah she is a... really protective big sister. But we agreed that you are the most important person in our life. And we love you so much." She caressed my hair behind my ear and caressed my cheek. I chuckled.

"I love you too." I gave her a fast kiss and stood up. "Come, I made you breakfast."

"There is no chance I let you do anything in my kitchen!" She laughed and sood up and left the room. I went after her.

"Why? I'm good in the kitchen, I swear." She stood behind the counter.

"No you are not. You look really good in my hoodie by the way." She looked up and down on me. She cleared her throat and showed me the table. It was full of breakfast. Donuts, pancakes, waffles and some more things, but the sweet things caught my attention.

"Now your sister thinks I eat this much for breakfast" We both giggled and sat down to the opposite sides of the table. I couldn't take my eyes off her. This is so early and she looked so good. Her hair was in a ponytail and she wore comfortable leggings and a T-shirt.


"What?"She looked at me with interest.

"You are stunning."

"Thank you." she smiled at me and I just watched her. I was so lucky.

I took the whipped cream and I put some on my pancake.

"What are you doing Kara?"

"Why? This is good I swear." I tried to talk over her.

"That is pancake! You don't put whipped cream on the pancake. If it was on me, I wouldn't put whipped cream on anything." She doesn't like it?

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