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After I closed the door behind me, I got Lena immediately on my hands. I knew Alex would tell her something rude, and I didn't want it. Aaaan the other reason was that I wanted Lena to be with me. I didn't want her to let out of my hands.

"What are you doing?" Asked them at the same time.

"I'm saving you from my sister." I smiled at her and she wrapped her hands around my neck.

"Supergirl, take the CEO down!" Alex yelled me. At the same time I jumped and flew to Lena's apartment. 

Kara's part

I landed on the balcony. Lena's eyes were closed while we flew. She opened them when her foot touched the ground. I kissed her immediately. She was surprised a little but kissed me back. It was passionate, deep. I wanted to know that she was really here and she was fine. I didn't know what I would do if I lost her. Lena grabbed my neck while I grabbed her waist and pulled her closer. I took a step forward and she did the same thing backward, until we fell on the couch. I was on the top of her but she was the one who controlled the kiss. She bent her legs next to my hips. I surprised myself when I moaned when she bited my bottom lip. I ran my finger through her hair. I kissed her jawline and her neck. She moaned softly. God I wanna hear this again! I sucked her skin, and I hoped that will leave some marks on her.

"Kara" I thought this is the best thing I ever heard. We didn't go this near (expect when she was drunk) since this.

"Kara we have to slow down." I kissed her again and let my hands travel on her body.

"I don't think we have to do anything, actually." I said before I kissed her for the last time and sat up.

"I take a shower. The car that brought me to the L-corp wasn't too clear." She gave me a fast kiss and let me on the couch while she went to her room.

I tried to say shut up to my body, but it didn't work too well. After she closed the bathroom's door and I heard the water's sound, I had to try so much to not use my x-ray vision. Two things were in my head. First, that my body does like me, because I became more... you know... If I just think about Lena. Second she is in the shower, and she is naked, and wet and I'm not there.

"Lee! I go home for a few seconds. I change my clothes." I told her while I stood before her door.

"Ok." She yelled out. Actually I would hear her, If she just whispered, but never mind.

At home I took a quick shower and I changed my clothes. Ten minutes later I was before Lena's door again with dinner in my hands. I looked more like Kara Danvers, just I didn't wear glasses. I knocked at the door.

"It's open" I heard Lena's voice. I had no idea why was I so nervous. I opened the door. Lena stood behind the counter and organized some paper. There were two glass of white wine and the bottle.

"Hi."She looked at me with a big smile. She was wearing a black low cut T-shirt and a black jeans. Her hair was still wet. She looked extremely stunning and naturally. My Lena.

"Hi. I brough chinese for us" I sat on the other side of the counter.

"Cool. I'm very hungry. This day wasn't too easy." God, I worried about her so much. I had no idea what would I do without her.

"What did your mother say?"

"Just said what I thought. And when she said it out loud, I just recognized how ridiculous it is. She said, that you will broke my heart again, and you just said that you love me, because you said what I wanted to hear" She started playing with the glass and didn't look in my eyes. I really hoped that she didn'T believe her. I would never break her heart again.

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