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Kara's part

I think I was in shock a little bit. I didn't even recognize what just happened until I was in my bathroom and Lena helped me out of my suit. I sat on the toilet. I felt a little pain somewhere on my body but it was gone two minutes later. I was so confused until Lena leaned forward and kissed me.


"Lena, are you ok? Why didn't you stay in the car? Did you get hurt?" I felt my heart beating fast and I felt I could not get enough air.

"Kara, hey! I'm fine. I'm fine Darling." I pulled Lena closer and pushed my forehead against her stomach.

"I was so afraid of losing you." Every emotion ran in my veins. I tried to clear all of them in me. I was mad because of that man and because he was risking Lena's life. I was sad because of the man's story. He was so disappointed in me. But I'm glad that Lena was there with me.

"Get up! You have to take a shower." She took a step back and pulled me up by my hand. Something was on her mind what she didn't tell me.

"Come with me." I asked her and grabbed her waist softly.

"I don't think this would be a good idea."

"Just shower with me. Please." I lifted her head up and gave her a soft kiss. She nodded and took her clothes off. When I realised I was completely naked my cheek flushed pink. I took a step to the shower and 2 minutes later Lena jumped next to me. I have a naked Lena Luthor in my shower! Don't freak out!

My eyes didn't leave her body.

"My eyes up here Darling." Lena's laughing voice made me smile. I looked in her eyes. "I'm sure you just watched my soul, right?

"Totally." I nodded vigorously. When she looked at my body her smile faded away. I stepped forward to her and lifted her head by her chin. Lena crossed her arm behind my neck, and her free hand caressed my skin on my shoulder. The water started to fall on us and the blood from my body painted it red. I saw a tear on Lena's eye. When she looked in mine again, the tears fell off.

"Lena! Love! What's the problem?" I caressed her skin on her cheek. It was so warm under my fingers. I didn't see her like this too many times.

"I'm sorry." She hid her face behind her hand, but I took it off.

"It's ok. I'm so sorry that you have to see this."

"I was so afraid of losing you. You suffered so much, and I couldn't help you."

"Lena! You are the only reason why am I here right now." She was so sad, not mad or angry. Sad. I hated seeing her like this. I held her tight and I never wanted to let her go.

"I love you so much." She whispered while looking up at me. I smiled and gave her a soft, sweet kiss.

"I love you." I looked down and saw the bloody water under us. "This isn't the sexiest shower what you ever take, right?"

"I don't wanna be rude, but no, it's not." She laughed and turned around for shampoo.

After the not-too-sexi shower Lena was sitting in my bed with her clothes on (sadly) and reading a book. I changed my clothes and sat down next to her. I put my head down to her lap. I saw a little smile on her face but she covered it with the book. Her fingers caressed my hair.

"After everything... Did you like it?" Lena looked at uncomprehendingly. "The date."

"The part when he shot you, the part when he wanted to shoot me, or the part when I took a bullet out of your body?" her sarcastic voice made me laugh.

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