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Kara's part

"So you and Lena... Lena and you." Alex walked to the fridge and took off a glass of beer. I was sitting on the couch and eated potstickers.

"Yeah. You really ok with it?" I swear my biggest fear was that Alex wouldn't like her or the situation. I loved Alex, she was my big sister.

"Yes, I do.Of course I do Kara." She sat down next to me. "I love Lena, and I love you. If you're happy, I'm happy too." She took my hand and smiled at me.

"Thank you so much."

"But I have a really big question." I nodded and waited for her question. "Why now? You two have been friends for years, but you two didn't get together just for a month."

"I-I think..." I took a deep breath. "What I'm feeling for Lena... What I felt for Lena was always strange to me. She made me feel strong and strange emotions. I was scared for myself when I was with her. God I scare right now. I never felt control over myself, over my feelings. You know, I think this is how love has to feel like. You don't feel the control, but after all... She is the only person who makes you feel totally safe. I love that feeling, Alex."

"I know that feeling." Alex smiled and watched her hand.

"Do you feel this with Maggie?"

"Maybe not in this too-romantic way, but yeah. I feel like I'm the luckiest person with her."

"I'm not too-romantic." I rolled my eyes.

"Yes you are. But at the beginning I was like you. I mean I feel these things still, I just don't talk this much about them." I always adore her and Maggie's relationship. They love each other so much and They are in accordance with each other. The big question about the kids between them... Maggie said she wants Alex to be happy. And maybe not now but someday later she will be ready for a child. And that was enough for Alex. I just hope that Maggie won't change her mind. I would never never bear to see anything bad happen to her.

"What about the seat-plan?"

"Oh, well.. It's ok. The problem was that for the seat-plan we have to plan who we invite. And about her family... It was a little hard."

"So how did you decide?"

"Oh we have no idea about it. But we have an A and a B plan. A plan if her family will come and B if they aren't. We will send them a letter of invitation and we will decide after that."

"Will I get a letter of invitation?"

"I don't know yet. It's up on you. If you will be good maybe. You can eat a lot sis. You are expensive." she laughed and I crossed my arms in front of my chest.

"Really? I supported your relationship, and you don't wanna invite me because I can eat a lot. You are rude Alex."

"You will be there Kara. You have to be. I can do it without you."

"I'm with you." I took her hand between mine.


Lena: Hi, Beautiful! How was your night with Alex?

I was laying in the bed when I saw her message on the phone. Alex already left. We talked a lot.

Me:Hi! It was perfect. How are you? How was your day?

Lena: It was good. It would be better if you would be with me, but it was good. I miss you.

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