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Lena's part

A lot of things happened in the last 2 weeks, 13 days and 19 hours, if I wanna be totally precise. Kara told me, she loved me back. Our relationship had developed a lot. We spent a lot of time together. Everytime I saw her I just fell in love with her more and more. She is gorgeous, beautiful and she is so sweet. Technically we did the same things that we did before we told each other what we felt. She brought me lunch or dinner if I was working late. I came over to her and we had a lot of dinner together. The difference was that we kissed more than ever. I mean before this whole thing we never kissed, so this is a big difference. I tried to slow down the tempo, but she is very stubborn. God She was so cute, how she tried to tell me what she wanted for that night. I was honest. One of the many reason was Alex. She didn't tell her yet, and I didn't think sleeping with her would be right before Alex knew about the thing. Aaand I thought she would kick my ass, if I'd slept with her sister, before anyone would tell her about us. She was a protective big sister. The one of the other reasons was me and my fears. Kara Zor-El was Supergirl. Literally Super. And she dated Mon-el, and he was from Daxam. How could I be good enough if she had a way better partner than me?

I didn't want her to be disappointed in me. I'm Lena Luthor damn it! If anyone can be perfect for her, it is me!

My office's door opened.

"Lena, darling! It's good to see you!" My mother smiled at me. I looked at her with confused eyes.

"What are you doing here mother?" I tried to pull myself together while she sat down on the chair in front of my desk.

"I have a day off."

"From the jail?! How did you do?"

"I think this will be my secret." She smirked a little and looked in my eyes. "I missed you Lena" I wanted to believe her really. But she lied to my face every time and I didn't know what the truth was.

"Can I hug you?" The little girl in me, wanted to believe her. Believe that my mother came here to see me, because she missed me. The little girl in me wanted to hug her. I stood up and walked to her. She stood up too and hugged me quickly. I felt a terebrant pain in my waist. My eyes closed slowly.

"For a better cause" I heard when she whispered in my ear. My eyes closed and everything became black and dark around me.

I should know that she was lying to me. She never was honest with me. I blamed myself again because I was weak.

I had no idea what time was it, when I finally could open my eyes. I was lying on a couch. I stood up immediately. I had a huge headache for some second but It just went away. I looked around. I was in a hangar. My steps were reverberation. I was almost empty expect, the couch, a big monitor on a big desk, and a little table with two chairs. The place was lit by a faint light.

"Hey! You're finally awake! It took longer than I thought." My mother arrived from the hangar's dark part.

"Why did I think that you really missed me?" I sat down in one of the chairs.

"My mother kidnapped me and hold me prisoner! This is every daughter's dream."

"Don'T be dramatic Lena. You aren't a prisoner. You can go anytime when you want to.I brought you here for you. The kryptonian doesn'T know where are we, so she can't come here." She sat down in the other chair and looked at me proudly at herself.

"Let Kara out of your game mother." I felt my anxiety. I didn't know what my mother wanted to do, but Kara had to be safe. She was too important to me.

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