Reunion Part 1

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A dull throbbing resounded in your head, clear signs of a headache. You squinted your eyes shut tighter to block out the pain. When that didn't work, your body started to stir. You mumbled a groan at the pain you suddenly felt in you shoulder, thigh, and sides. You felt something soft beneath you, as your eyes began to flutter open. You blinked at the sudden light, and let your eyes adjust. When you were seeing clearly, you realized you were in a room. Sitting up slowly, the blanket covering you fell down to your lap. Looking down at yourself, you were wearing a type of hospital gown, and you were covered in bandages.

You were confused. Had someone found you and fixed you up? Then with a sudden realization, you panicked. Where was Kumu?! You began looking around the familer room frantically in search of him when you eyes laid upon Sans, sitting on the floor with his top half leaning on the bed as he slept using his arms as pillows. That's why this room was familiar, it was Sans'! You hair turned a bit pink as you scooted away from him.

Your sudden movement, caused Sans to stir from his slumber. He blinked his eyes sleepily, as he stared at you in confusion. When his vision cleared and he could see you properly, his eyes widened in shock.

"(Y/n), you're awake!" He exclaimed standing to his feet immediately.

The speed at which he moved scared you, and made you scooch back again hitting your back against the wall. The pink in your hair increased a bit. Seeing your fearful state made his eyes turn sad. He didn't know why you were scared of him, but it broke his heart.

"Princess..." He spoke softly as he slowly reached a hand out to you.

You cowered away from his hand, trying to squish yourself against the wall as the pink in your hair rose. Right when he was almost close enough to touch you, the pink flower in your hair darted out infront of you. Sans retracted his hand in suprise, as the familer pink blop of Kumu floated infront of you glaring at him and hissing. Sans instinctively summoned a gaster blaster, as his one eye glowed blue in self defense.

The scene before you made your body freeze up, as it morphed into the image of Sans summoning a gaster blaster in that Golden hall to kill Frisk. The pink in your hair rose greatly, untill it was all fully pink. You grabbed Kumu quickly and brought him to your chest, holding him protectively. You closed your eyes, a few years of fear streaming down.

"Don't hurt him! Please don't kill us!" You pleaded in terror.

Sans was shocked, and immediately felt guilty for making you more scared. Looking down in shame, his eyes returned to normal and the blaster added away. He was about to reach out to you again, but stopped himself.

"Princess, I'd never hurt you... Why would you ever think that?" Asked Sans gently.

You cracked an eye open, but still held Kumu close who was busy glaring at Sans. You swallowed nervously, before you found your voice.

"Y-you killed Frisk... T-they were your friend and a kid, but you k-killed them. Over and over and over. H-how do I know you won't kill m-me too?" You stuttered fearfully.

His eye sockets went black, his pupils completely gone. His whole body seemed frozen.

"How do you know about the kid?" He asked coldy.

All this time he thought you had no connection to the kid, but you knew about them? Could you reset to?

"B-Betty told me, s-showed me what you did..." You said in a shaky voice.

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