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Your P.O.V.

You opened your eyes, and waited for your blurred vision to clear. You sat up and held your head. Man you had a massive headache, and your whole body aches. You slowly stood up and looked around.

''Where am I? Wait... That man! Where is he?!'

You were working up a panic. You had no idea where you where, or where that killer was. Thoughts of your dead parents flashed in your mind, and you choked down a sob. You wiped you forming tears, and headed towards the exit of the room. Now was not a time to cry. When you entered the next room, you were met with a single golden flowers in the middle of the room. You hesitenly approached it, and jumped back when it turned to look at you. That thing had a face!

"Oh! Howdy, human! Don't be afraid. I don't bite! I'm Flowey! Flowey the Flower!"

His Friendly demeanor put you a bit at ease, but your gut still told you that he wasn't exactly what he seemed. Hesitenly you approached Flowey, and knelt before him.

"So what's your name?"

"O-oh, I'm (Y-Y/N)."

"Well (Y/N), you're new to the Underground huh? You must be so confused."

You a nod off confirmation.

"Well I guess little old me will have to show you how things work down here!"

You suddenly felt a weird senstion in you chest, a pink heart floated out infront of you. You stared at it in awe. It was pretty, yet you felt kinda vulnerable with it out in the open for some reason.

"See that? That's your SOUL. The very culmination of your being. You soul starts of weak, but can grow stronger with... L.O.V.E."

Something with how he said that unerved you.

"Down here we have lots of L.O.V.E. to share. We share it through...little white friendliness pellets. Here I'll share some L.O.V.E. with you. Just catch these pellets with your SOUL. "

Flowey sent a couple friendliness pellets toward your Soul. As soon as they touched your soul, a sharp pain tan though out your whole being. You let out a loud cry as you began to sob. Flowey's face turned into a demonic grin, and he laughed.


A row of pellets formed around your cracked soul, and you were filled with FEAR. Suddenly you eyes flashed pink, and needle like spikes protruded from your soul and destroyed all of the pellets.


Suddenly a ball of fire blasted the shocked Flowey away. You looked up to see a tall goat lady approcha you.

"Oh dear! My child, are you alright?!"

She streched a hand out to you, but you craeed backwards in fear. She seemed shocked by your actions.

"Oh, my child... Please don't be afraid. I mean you no harm."

She reached out again, but you just backed away further.

"T-that's what Flowey siad! And he lied! He h-hurt me! Why should I trust you?!"

She looked down at me sadly.

"My child, I assure you that I am nothing like that miserable creature. All I want to do is protect you. Please trust me."

She held out a hand to you for you to take. You took your time to study her, to find any trace of a lie. When you found none, you hesitenly took her hand. She pulled you up to your feet, before letting go of your hand.

"Thank you for trusting me child. Come with me. I'll patch you up when we reach my house at the end of the ruins." 

You followed her, as she lead through several rooms with puzzles. She explained to you the importance of puzzles in the Underground, and even got you to solve some on your own. She dicided to help you through the spike trap, greatly to your relief, and even got you talk to a dummy, to show you the importance of Mercy. Oh and she also told me her name was Toriel, and I told her my name. Finally we reached a long corridor. She turned to me with a sad look. 

"I'm sorry for this. Please forgive me for what I'm about to do."

She then bolted down the corridor. I didn't want to be alone. Out of fear I ran after her at full speed. When I finally made it to the end of the long corridor, she was nowhere in sight.


I began to cry, and seconds later she rushed to me from her hiding place.

"Oh my child! Please don't cry! I didn't abandon you. I was just hiding behind this pillar the whole time, see? I did this to test your Independence."

She gave me a hug till I stopped crying.

"Now my child, I'm afraid I have to go run an errand. Her is a cell phone in case you need to reach me. Please stay in this room till I return. There are some dangerous puzzles ahead that I don't think your ready to handle yet."

"O-ok T-Toriel... Please hurry."

"I will my child. I won't be long."

And with that I was left on my own again. I sat down, and hugged my knees to my chest.

All of this was so overwhelming. My parents die, I fall into Underground that's full of monsters, I get attacked by a flower, and let through puzzles by a goat lady.

I sighed.

I'm so tired. Maybe it would be okay to just close my eyes for little bit.

Before I knew it I was fast asleep. I don't know how long I was asleep for, but I was awoken by growing. I jolted away, and was filled was fear. All around me there were monsters, and they didn't seem so Happy to see me. There were a total of ten monsters surrounding me.  There was a frog like creature, a creature that looked like a battle frog, a dragonfly like creature, another dragonfly with armour, two carrots with creepy smiles, one having snake hair, a Bette monster, a jello like monster, and two one eyed monsters, one red and one white. They monsters made a circle around me, while I was still seated on the ground, to afraid to move. The Monsters began to prepare magic attacks. Time seemed to slow, and all you could hear was your heart beat.

'Im going to die... I don't want to die!'

You are filled with FEAR.

Toriel's P.O.V.

''Oh my. I hope the child is not not bored waiting. This trip took longer than expected.' 

As I turn the corner into the room I left (Y/N), I dropped my bags from shock. She was on the ground, surrounded by monsters! I was about to scare them off when I suddenly felt a strong surge of magic coming from (Y/N). Her eyes snapped open wide, but they were pink instead of (e/c), and they were glowing. Her hair had also completely turned pink. Pink magical needles launched from her body, spearing the monsters right through their souls. The needles seemed to absorb the souls, and the monsters instantly turned to Ash. (Y/N)'s appearance then returned to normal, and she collapsed to the ground unconscious. I rushed over to her, and took herand my bags back to my house. One thing kept repeating in my mind.

'What was that magic, and where on Earth did she learn it?'

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