Wishes And Missing You

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You continued through waterfall on your own as monster kid had went in ahead. You came across a bridge seed puzzle.  You carried the bridge seeds to the water and they formed a bridge. You crossed and came across another bridge seed puzzle. There was the obvious path, but you spotted a hidden path. You build the bridge to the hidden path and crossed. You came to a small room with a bench and an echo flower. You sat on the bench and decided to take a break. Your feet touched something under the bench. You reached under and pulled out an abandoned quiche. Who would leave this here? It seemed to be in good condition. You turned to the echo flower and tapped it to see if it would say anything. The voice that came from the fLower made you freeze.

"I just wasn't ready for the responsibility." Said the flower.

Tears flooded from your eyes and fell to the floor.

"Sans..." You said in a cracked voice.

The voice was Sans'. Your mind unwilling flashed to the time you all ate at grillby's, and you both got alot of ketchup on your food. When you all did all those puzzles together. When he called you princess and comforted you when you had that nightmare. When he found you in that tree. You cried harder as the memories flooded through your mind. You ran away. You couldn't trust him, but... You loved him. He was your Teddy, your friend... And you missed him so much! You let out all the tears you had been holding back. You lost track of how long you sat thier crying. You are the quiche as comfort food and it tasted really good. When you finally stopped crying you put the empty quiche tray aside and wiped your eyes dry. You took the path back to the main room. You made a bridge towards the obvious way out. When you got to the other side your phone started to ring. You panicked and quickly hanged it up. You sighed in relief. You continued into the next room. The sign read 'The Wishing Room'. The room was filled with echo flowers and gems that looked liked stars. You walked up to the first flower and it spoke.

"A long time ago, monsters used to Wisper thier wishes to the stars in the sky. If you hoped with all your heart, your wish would come true. Now all we have are these sparkling stones on the ceiling..." Said the flower.

You went to the next flower.

"Thousands of people Wishing together can't be wrong! The king will prove that."

And the next.

"C'mon sis! Make a wish!"

"I wish my sister and I will see the real stars someday..."

"Ah... Seems my horoscope is the same as last week's..." Said the last flower.

There was one more flower, but it didn't say anything. You knelt infront of it, and told it your wish. You got up and went over to the telescope in the room. After moving it around you found a message that said check the wall with an arrow next to it. You followed the arrow to the wall down a hallway. You thought about it a moment, and used your spears to bust a hole in the wall revealing the path to the next room. You smiled proud of yourself, and walked through. The next room was darker and there was writing on the wall. You could just make out the words in the dim light.

'​​​​​​'The war if humans and monsters. What did they attack? Indeed it seemed they had nothing to fear. Hans are unbelievably strong. It would take the soul of every monster... Just to equal the power of one human soul. But humans have one weaknesses. Ironically it is the strength of thier soul. It's power let's it persist outside the human body even after death. If a monster defeats a human, it will take it's soul. A monster with a human soul... A horrible beast with unfathomable power.'

next to the writing was a picture of a strange creature that made you shiver and your hair turn slightly pink. You decided to move on quickly and continued down the walkway. The dock ended but as you stepped on the edge, a piece of it broke off. The piece carried you across the dark water for some time before reaching the other side. You stepped off and the piece went back the way it came. You continued down the dark dicks and everything seemed eerily quiet. Suddenly you froze mid step as a blue spear hit the ground right where you would have been. You hair turned more pink, and you turned quickly to see Undyne targeting you from higher ground.  You took off at full speed running for your life. You dodged spears left and right and they hit the ground next to you as you ran. You saw a large field of seaweed grass ahead of you and ran deep into the grass. The spears fly overhead bug she couldn't target you as she could no longer see you. As you looked up to see if anymore spears were coming, you tripped over a rock and fell to the ground. You were about to get up but stayed still when you heard footsteps approching you. You stayed still and as quiet as you could so she wouldn't find you. The footsteps stopped right next to you and her hand reached down. You closed your eyes fearing you had been caught as your hair turned more pink. When nothing happened you looked up to see she had a hold of... Monster Kid?! He smiled at her and she slowly put him back down. She then walked off back the way she came. You let out a deep sigh of relief, and the pink of your hair went down mostly. You got up off the ground and continued forward until you came out the other side of the grass patch. On que Monster Kid, well just call him Mk from now on, ran out of the grass. He ran and hoped around excitedly making you a bit amused at his contagious enthusiasm. He turned to you.

"Yo do you just see that?. Undyne just... TOUCHED ME! I'm never washing my face ever again...! Man are you unlucky. If you were standing just a LITTLE but more to the left...! Yo, don't worry! I'm sure we'll see her again!" He said excitedly.

Oh you had no doubt you'd see her again, but whether you wanted to or not was up for debate. You vote for not seeing her again. Mk ran on ahead and tripped again. He got back up and ran out of sight. You sighed. Man were you tired. You went to the next room and found a water fall. Curious you went behind the waterfall and there was a gap in the wall just big enough for you to slid through. You slid through to the end to come out into a large room with no exit. Oh well at least it was dry and warm and hidden. A perfect place to rest with someone finding you. You made yourself as comfortable as possible and went to sleep. The last thing on your mind was Teddy and all the monsters you used to call friends.

Sans P.O.V.

Papyrus had tried calling the kid but she didn't answer. I had been searching everywhere even using my shortcuts. I needed a rest to recharge my magic. I didn't to rest where I was, in the wishing room. I sat next to a flower next to the wall. I brushed against when i leaned back on the wall. The voice that came out of it made me freeze.

"My wish... I want to find my sister Aliza and... I-i really wish that Teddy and the others were still my friends... I miss them..." Said the flower in a sad voice.

Sans closed his eyes, as a single tear fell down his face.

"Oh princess, where are you? I miss you too..."

A/n: I know it's been awhile but I really hoped you guys enjoyed the chapter. I will be updating this book more often from now on until it's completed. A new chapter should be out this week.

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