Run Away

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Your P.O.V.

"(Y/n)... Wake up..."

You scrunched your eyes as you came to. You suddenly remembered everything, and wake up startled. At first you were confused as everything was black, but then you relizied you were once again in the void.

"Good, you're finally awake."

You turned to see Betty and Akumu. You looked away, you didn't want to look at her right now. You didn't want to admit that she had been right.

"What nothing to say? Don't want to admit I was right?"

I remained silent.

"Fine then, don't talk. Just know that you brought this on yourself. I tried to warn you but you didn't listen."

You were trying your best to hold back the tears. You knew she was right, but you didn't want it to be true.

"Maybe he was confused... He's my friend..." You tried to denie. 

"You should hear how pathetic you sound. Try as hard as you want to denie it, but it won't change the truth. He betrayed you. He cares more about joining the royal gaurd then you. If he captured you, Undyne would have taken you to the king, and the king would kill you and take your soul. A friend wouldn't do that. All these monsters just want your soul, that's why they all keep attacking you. This is why I told you that you can't trust monsters."

"What about Teddy and mom?"

"Toriel won't hurt you, but she's still not the best person. She abandoned her husband and her kingdom when they needed her the most, and she's all for the king crossing the barrier to take souls from the humans. He'd have to kill humans to get those souls. And she didn't even stop all those other children before you from leaving the ruins, when she knew full well that they would die. If she stayed with the king, she could have talked him out of starting a war with the humans, but she left. The death of those children are as much her fault as his."

"And Teddy?"

"Your precious sans would have killed you where you stood the moment you left the ruins, if he hadn't made a promise to Toriel to protect you."

This shocked you. You couldn't believe it. Sans didn't seem like he would ever heard anyone, let alone you.

"N-no! You're wrong! Sans wouldn't hurt anyone!"

A big creepy smile grew on her face, and she laughed full of joy.

"Hehehehehehehe! Oh how are you still so naive? If you won't take my word for it, then I'll show you what he did to the last human to fall down here!"

She grabbed your head while laughing, and everything went white. You head was suddenly flooded with memories of sans and a kid with a blue and purple striped sweater. They were in a golden hallway, and sans was killing them, over and over and over. The kid tried to ask for mercy. They dropped their weapon, and hugged sans. They he drove a bone right threw them. You were suddenly back in the void as Betty took her hand of you. You collapsed in shock as the tears spilled from your eyes. You couldn't believe sans would kill that kid so many times. You were scared. You were scared of him. Betty's voice brought you back to reality.

"That kid's name was frisk. They don't exist anymore, but sans still remembers them. He would kill a kid just like you, even when they asked for mercy. And that kid was his friend to. Like I said before, you can't trust monsters."

You were still crying as you looked to her and Kumu.

"T-they who c-can I trust?"

"I wouldn't say I'm very trust worthy, but in your case you can trust me. After all I'm the only one you can count on to help you survive. After all if you die, then I'll die, so keeping you alive is in my best interest. So what do say? Shall we finally work together?"

She held her hand out to you, and you grabbed it. She helped you up, and gave you a smile.

"Now why don't we finally get you to learn how to use your powers?"

You don't know how long you and Betty were training in the void for, but you had finally learned to control your spears of fear. You even learned how to control Kumu. Betty turned to you.

"It's time to wake up now (y/n). Your stronger and it's now time to leave."


"You haven't forgotten about Aliza right?"

You felt so stupid. With all that has happened lately you completely forgot that you had to get back to Aliza.  You were scared about facing Papyrus and Sans when you woke up, so you knew that you were going to have to run. You took a deep breath, and nodded.

"I'm ready."

"Good. You've been asleep for 3 days. I'll see you soon (y/n)."

Everything went white, before you found yourself waking up in a familiar room. It was sans' room. You got out of the bed quietly, and opened the door. You didn't see anyone in the hall,so you started to make your way to the stairs. When you were about to pass Papyrus' room, the door opened revealing Papyrus.


 Half your hair turned pink, and you backed away from him. He picked up on your fear, and tried to calm you down.


he took a step forward and you shrieked. You summoned dozens of pink spears between you and him, the spears protruding from the walls, ceiling and floor making a barrier. You started to back up more.


he summoned some bones to start destroying the barrier, and you turned and ran. You jumped out of the open window and crashed into a snow pile below. You could hear Papyrus' calls for you and you stood up and began running. You kept running till you were far enough that you could no longer hear his calls, and the weather around you got warmer till the snow disappeared.

Sans P.O.V.

I was in the library trying to figure out what trait the pink soul could be. It's been 3 days and (y/n) still hasn't woken up. Papyrus was currently looking after them while I did my research. If I could find out the powers of her soul trait, maybe i would find out why using her powers made her unconscious, and find a way to wake her up. So far my search was turning up nothing. The only other place I could think of to find information about her soul trait would be in the Lab. My father Gaster did alot of research on souls, he's bound to have something about her soul trait hidden away in there. As I put my books back, I heard the library door smash open. Startled I turned to see Papyrus standing in the door looking extremely worried. 

"Paps what's wrong?"

I said as I walked up to him.


A/N: okay guys,hoped you liked this chapter. Again thanks for you support and patience.

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