The Spear Of Justice Part 2

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"I KNEW you would come back here! That's it, then...! No more running away! HERE I COME!!!!!!!" She declared throwing her helmet to the side.

She jumped from the rock formation, summoning a spear mod air, and charged right at you. You gasped unprepared and summoned a pink spear of your own as quick as you could to block the attack. The two spears collided, the impact sending your small frame blasting towards the cliff edge behind you. As your body tumbled towards the edge, you summoned a spear and stabbed it into the ground. You held on tight as the spear slowed your body down. You body stopped just in time, but now you were hanging over the abyss bellow. You dangled off the edge of the cliff, your spear the only thing keeping you from going over.

You began to pull yourself back up, when your fear rose at the sight of Undyne slowing approaching you with a smirk. You managed to pull yourself up, when a blue light came from below you. You quickly rolled out of the way, as several spears appeared out if the ground where you just were. You scrambled to your feat, summoning a spear to prepare to defend yourself. Undyne snapped her fingers and you felt something tight in your chest. You looked down to see your soul out if your chest again, but it seemed to be covered in a green aura.

"As long as you're GREEN you CAN'T ESCAPE! Unless you learn to face danger head-on... You won't last a SECOND against ME!" She declared confidentiality.

Sure enough when you tried to move your legs, they wouldn't budge. This made your heart pound even harder. Undyne raised her hand summoning a redish spear, and aimed it at me. It shot from her hand, but it traved pretty slowly. This gave you plenty of time to prepare to block it with your spear. You were just about to block it when it was just a meter away, when suddenly you struck from behind.

"Aaahh!" You cried in pain.

Your body shuddered from the pain, and you shakily turned your head to look behind you. Your eyes widened at the sight of the spear lodged near your left shoulder. It fizzled out leaving behind the bloody wound. Her chuckle, brought your attention back to Undyne.

"You'll have to do better than that to beat me." She said smugly.

Your hair grew more pink, as you stood still in shock. You flinched when she summoned several more spears. She sent them flying your way from all directions. Acting without thinking, you spun and blocked a spear coming at you from behind and your left, but one from the right side manages to graze your cheek. You didn't have time to register it as you blocked a slower spear coming from the front. Slight panting you looked back at Undyne to see a bit of irritation in her eyes.

"For years, we've dreamed of a happy ending... And now, sunlight is just within our reach! I won't let you snatch it away from us!" She said slightly irritated.

You focused on the ground beneath her feat and it started to glow pink. She looked down confused, before realization hit her face. She jumped out if the way as several pink Spears erupted from the ground were she once stood. She wasn't quick enough as one of your spears managed to leave a deep gash on her leg. She stared at the gash in shock, before sending you a glare. She summoned a large spear in her hand aiming it right you. That spear was too big to dodge! You suddenly felt the tightness around your soul disaper, and looked to see the green aura gone. When you looked back up to the the spear hurtling at you, and quickly dropped to the ground. You felt the heat of the spear pass just over you and crash into the wall with a loud bang. Dust and debris filled the air, and the pink of your hair rose as you knew that blow could have very well ended you. It was a bit hard to see but you could back out the shadow of Undyne. Focusing you made another spear launch from the ground and by the sound of her help you landed a hit. As the dust settles you wondered if you had finished her off as it was all quite. You noticed the blue glow beneath you and rolled away, but not before one of the spears left a gash in you side. You clutched you side and you struggled to your feet, pain pulsing from the fresh gash along with the wound in your shoulder. The air was clear now and you saw Undyne with a similar gash in her side.

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