The Storm Part 1

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You smiled brightly and ran to her. You through your arms around her, bringing her into a tight embrace.

"Betty! You're here! This is awesome!" You Cheered.

She returned your hug, brushing one of her hands through your hair. Kumu stretched his body around the two of you to join in the group hug. 

"Yes, this will be exciting~" she said happily.

You looked up at her happily, to see her giving you a soft smile.

"I can't wait to introduce you everyone! You're gonna love them! And then you'll see that monsters aren't that bad, and we can all be friends!" You Cheered.

Betty's arms fell to her sides as she let you go, and Kumu uncurled himself to float just behind her. You let go and looked up at her confused. Both her and Kumu were wearing frowns.

"What's wrong? I'm sure they'll like you." You reassured her, placing a hand on her shoulder.

She placed her hand on-top of yours, holding it with a tight grip that only made you more concerned.

"You really don't you do, but you're denying the truth..." She said through gritted teeth.

You pulled your hand out if her grip and held it to your chest.

"Betty Please...I just want this to work..." You begged with pleading eyes.

"Deep down you know it can't, so stop trying to live the blissful lie like everyone else. We're the ones that can see the truth. That peace is only temporary, and another war is inevitable." She said sternly.

You looked away, trying to find a way to explain.

"Do you really think you can kill the king and leave this place? We both know you don't want to. Eventually he'll kill you, take your soul to break the barrier, and start another war with the humans. Monsters have already declared themselves at war with them. And even if you kill the king and escape, that would only fuel the Monsters' hatred. They'll eventually break the barrier one day, and go to war. No matter what option you choose, it'll all end up the same." She said confidentially, leaving no room for argument.

"That can't be the only way. There must be something I can do..." You tried to persuade her.

Her eyes glinted, and she smirked.

"There is something that we can do." She said sweetly.

You perked up at this.

"Really?" You asked hopefully.

"Yes, it's what I've been preparing you for. We're going to speed up the process. Me and Kumu have already collected enough magic to put our plans into action." She said proudly.

Something about what she just said made you nervous.

"W-what do you mean?" You asked in a shaky voice.

"All I'm doing is trying to prevent humans and monsters for killing eachother again... Just sacrificing a couple hundred to save thousands...Only we Understand...So that's why I have to make sure we're the ones in charge. Once I'm done here, I'll make the whole world fear us! Without the monsters on the surface, those useless humans will have no choice but to bow to my will! Don't you see, (y/n)? WE WILL RULE THEM ALL!" She proclaimed sinisterly with a maniac smile.

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