A CORE Performance

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As you stepped onto the bridge that lead to the Core, you saw shadows ahead that entered it. You phone rang and you decided to keep her on speaker.

"Huh? Who are they? N-no one else is supposed to be here... Oh well! We can't worry about that now!" She said confidentially.

You took a deep breath and entered The Core. Infront of you was an elevator, and to passage ways.

"Ready? This is it. Take the elevator to the top of the Core!" She said.

Well this would be easier than you thought. You tapped the button for the elevator but nothing happened... Of course it doesn't work.

"The elevator should be working... Well then go right and keep heading up!" She said.

You followed her directions, and entered the room on the right. You stared at the giant pit of flames.

"Now just keep heading up! ...that pit isn't on my map... Forget it! Let's try the left side!" She said.

You shrugged and went to the left passage.

"Okay, you should be able to make it to the core through here... W-watch out!" She said.

Right then a figure jumped you, a monster called Madjinx. He sent war look like crosses at you, which you dodged. You looked into his eyes to see a but if his past, and found to defeat him you had to stare at his orbs. You did so while dodging his attacks. Both his orbs stopped spinning and the monster seemed to think you were a fellow wizard now. It tipped it's cap to you, and you did an akward bow in return. It then left the Core.

"Th-that was close... Wh...why are there so many monsters here? I m-mean it's no problem, r-r-riggt? We just need to keep heading f-foward!..." She said her confidence she had gained through your journey starting to fade.

You kept walking until you path was blocked by a force field.

"Looks like you can't proceed until you press that switch, but when you do the lasers will activate. Ummm...Looks like they'll be in this order:Orange, Orange, Blue. Got it? Move until the third one." She said.

"Got it." You said.

You clicked the swich, and got ready. You were caught off guard when the lassers came in a different order. Not having time to prepare, Kumu created a shield to block you from the lasers, so thankfully you didn't get zapped. You thanked Kumu and continued across the glass bridge.

"Oh my god, are you alright?I... I'm sorry. I gave you the wrong order... E-everything is fine, ok? Let's just keep heading to the right!" She said.

You kept walking, but sensed she seemed distressed. Like things weren't going according to plan, which I mean it's not like she planned things out or anything, right?

"A crossroads...uh...uuuhhh....try heading to the right!" She said.

You started heading to the right, but stopped when she spoke again.

"N-no! Head up! That's the right way!" She changed her mind.

You sighed but headed up. There was a dead end a d a giant knight monster named knight knight waited for you. It started attacking you with moon and stars, which Kumu lifted you hight over as there was to many to dodge. You noticed the monster was sleepy, and decided to sing a lullaby. You decided to use the one Shyren taught you and sang it. After dodging another barrage of assaults, the monster passed out. You let out a breath, and Kumu placed you back down.

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