Chapter 12: Wedding??

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Loves POV

"We think we may have found your father....I had exorcist search for him where remnants of a gate was opened. We don't know how he crossed exactly but he will be here in two days time." Mephy said as we walked.

I kept quite. "So what's the plan?" I asked. "Bating him. I will spread falls information on where your mother is. Than you will confront him. When he puts you under his hypnotism both you and him will be unable to move for as long as his spell lasts." Mephy said as we stopped a bit away.

"When that happens if he is alone, we will take him since he will be vulnerable. Buts there is a plan B if he gathers an army of brain dead demons." Mephy explained.

I nodded and he began to explain to me a plan B. When he was finished we walked back. I was clearly in a different mood.

I sat down in front of the fire and just watched it burn. "Love?" Someone asked. I looked beside me and saw a curious Amaimon.

"Yeah?" I asked. "Are you ok?" He asked tilting his head. "Yeah. Why??" I asked. He pointed at me so I pulled my phone out.

Ears were sharp, and my fangs were showing. My eyes were also glowing, with my hair long and strait. I quickly mellowed out after closing my eyes and taking some deep breaths.

I looked at myself in my phone and saw my features reverse back. I took a really deep breath and sighed.

"I'm sorry. Im just.....upset." I said taking a deep breath. "What happened??" He asked. I took a deep breath and told him they may have found my father.

But I didn't tell him about the plan. I know if he found out, he would be upset about the bating. And would want to be involved.

"I see. Than I will keep you safe regardless of what happens." He said holding my hands. I smiled and nodded. But I knew deep down I would have to make him sleep for the plan.

Shima broke the mood in the air by starting some music. Everyone started dancing and I stood up.

Amaimon stood and I pulled him to the dance floor. It was fun watching his stiff body try to dance but he seemed to enjoy it.

Rin was dancing with Shiemi and Yukio was awkwardly trying to dance with Shura.

Most of the boys in Rins class seemed to be chilling with Shima, with Izumo who invited Paku dancing together.

It was fun and I noticed Mephy had left. We finished dancing and they all sat me on a makeshift thrown.

"Digigante helped me make it!" Shiemi said putting flower crowns on everyone. The thrown itself was made of vines and roots. It's surface was complete converted in flowers. "I love it." I said smiling.

Amaimon stood beside the thrown and watched as I opened gifts. Rin was the cook and decorator with Shima and Yuki so they didn't give me anything, but Shiemi gave me a bouquet of purple flowers that reminded me of my eyes.

"They are adorable, I'll be sure to keep them alive forever..and who knows maybe a certain someone will make my wedding bouquet." I said smelling the flowers. "Really!!??!?" She asked shouting. I nodded and she smiled hugging me.

Konekomaru gave me a box full of chained jewelry and a black box. "Dude these are awesome." I said admiring the chains. "There's more." He said smiling. I opened the black box and saw 2 rings.

Amaimons Love (Blue Exorcist Fan Fiction) (Amaimon x OC)Where stories live. Discover now