Chapter 8: Disappearance

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Loves POV

I went into town after a while and made sure my tail was tucked in. I bought some noodles and ate happily. When I was done I paid and left. I walked to the outhouse again and used a different key.

My phone began to ring and I glanced at it before opening the door. I took my key back and answered the call. It was Mephy's number.

"Hello?" I answered. "Where are you?" I heard Amaimon said from the other side. He seemed impatient. "Out," I answered putting my key away, and started walking into the forest.

"Where?" He questioned agitated. "Just out. I just wanted to think about some things.." I said and before he answered I hung up.

I put my phone on silent and kept going. I sighed knowing eventually I would have to return. But for now...I want to think. I feel like the engagement was rushed and sure it was for a good reason... but I've only known Amaimon for less than a month.

What am I getting myself into to save my mother... and what Rin said. Am I happy? I guess I am, but I wasn't really sad without him...

What will Gahenna be like? Is there sunlight? Nature? Life beyond demons? I don't know... I mean I like it here in school, with Yukio and Rin, as well as with my own thoughts and place to call my own...

But would I be happy spending the rest of my existence with Amaimon? In Gehenna with his family? What if they hate me and think I'm getting a pass from execution by using him...?

What if they don't allow my mother to come... What if I see my dad...?

I sighed stopping at a cliff. I looked down and sat criss-cross just looking out at the miles and miles of pure forest being covered in snow.

I felt the air and touched the ground making sure there were no humans nearby. When I was sure I looked down and dug my fingers in the dirt. "Digigante." I said softly.

Roots began to grow and create an almost cage-like hut for me to sit in. I let the snow melt under me then grew some grass and let it dry.

I then picked it and made a makeshift bed. I then just sat there with my thoughts thinking about what I wanted and what's best for me and my mother.

When it got dark I went to sleep.


I woke up and first checked the area. Then I let the roots go back into the earth. I stood up and then turned and walked back to the outhouse.

I was tired and hungry so I stopped by an Inn and got a room for the day. I got breakfast, took a shower, and just chilled.

I then checked my phone and saw 56 miss calls from Mephys phone and 87 from a random number. As well as 12 from Rin.

I called Rin and he answered asking where I went. He said Amaimon came to find me and when he couldn't Amaimon wanted to start a fight with him. He said he thinks Amaimon blames Rin for my disappearance. Luckily Maphesto took him away in time.

"Sorry. I just came to see my old house...and to think." I said ruffling my hair. He understood and left me alone after I assured him I was fine. I also told him not to tell Amaimon.

My day went by quickly and by night time I had just explored the town and forest before returning and sleeping.

In the morning I checked out and left for the outhouse. I put the key in to take me to the pantry from Rin's kitchen.

I wanted to make sure Amaimon didn't find me yet. I then walked out and just went into the woods.

I got to a random lake and sat down in front of the water. "He's probably really mad right now..." I said to my reflection. I removed my beanie and hoodie staying in my tank top and sweats.

I then looked at the ring after I removed my shoes. I ignored it standing up and setting a foot on the water. The surface froze and soon I walked to the center freezing over the lake.

A gift from Mephisto that only works on my birthday. It helps me feel better for later today...

I slide to my left then to my right and began to just play around in circles, doing figure eights, and just enjoying the freedom this one moment had to offer.

I looked up at the first signs of snow falling. I quickly made sure no humans were around. I then made a shield so no one could see me inside.

I then knelt down and elegantly jumped up. I stopped and caught a snowflake. I then looked at the city in the distance. The places in this world...

Sometimes I wonder what's beyond... I thought to myself. I then slowly descended.

My hair grew and turned black just blowing behind me. My eyes turned purple and as soon as I touched the ice shattered with the sun hitting it like glitter.

'Happy Birthday Love...' Someone said in my head. Earlier then he should be... I ignored it like I do every year, and just turned to leave but something held me there.

'Let me go, Timothy..." I said my eyes glowing as I spaced out going into my mind.

I stood in a white empty world with a transparent almost grey person standing in front of me.

"You know I prefer you calling me dad, father, papa, or maybe even daddy if you prefer." The person said.

"No thank you. You have like 4 seconds left anyway in your spell...just stop calling me.. I don't want anything to do with you... after all your the reasons all of this is happening. Why momma turned from her faith and had to fake her death. Everything..." I said counting down in my mind before his spell runs off.

"You know I never met for any of this to hurt your mother.." he said sounding apologetic. "Piss off and kiss a rat's ass," I said knowing his time was up.

But I didn't leave. "Oh, I didn't tell you...I'm in Assiah. So my spell lasts longer." He said sounding excited.

"Why?" I asked curiously for his reasons. "Isn't it obvious? I'm gonna take what's rightfully mine. I'm coming love...for you and your mother. You two will be safe with me.." he said.

I didn't speak and instead forced him out. "My you have gotten strong..." he said as I pushed him out of my head.

I fell then fell into the water. It takes a couple seconds for my body to regain its feelings. Much like my ability he can paralyze and speak to you from a distance if he pleases. However, I have the ability to make others unconscious or paralyzed by my breath, so mine is short distance.

I felt the water fill my lungs still not being able to move then suddenly someone jumped into the water.

Amaimon took me out of the water and set me down unsure of what to do. Then I saw Rin run over.

Next thing I know I'm on the surface on the floor with Rin pumping my stomach and blowing air in my mouth.

I then felt my body move and got on my side vomiting water. I felt Rin rub my back as I did so while coughing.

I was then hugged. "Careful!!" I heard Rin shout as Amaimon hugged me tightly.

He let me go when I began coughing roughly. "Why were you in the water!!" Amaimon shouted shaking me.

"Leave her alone!" Rin said taking Amaimons hands away. "It's her birthday!! Not the first time this type of thing happened." He added. Amaimon glared at him then looked at me.

I coughed a bit getting my composure back. "Was it him?" Rin asked. "No time to explain I have to go see Mephy!" I said leaving my hoodie and beanie and just running to the main building.

I heard them follow and soon I made it inside. I busted the door and saw an upset Mephesto looking at his busted door.

The guys came in after and looked at me as I caught my breath. "What's got you three worked up?" Mephy asked sipping tea.

"Timothy," I said pointing to a calendar on my left. "And what? He talks to you every year. Did he say something?" He asked curiously.

Amaimons Love (Blue Exorcist Fan Fiction) (Amaimon x OC)Where stories live. Discover now