Chapter 13

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*August 2, 2024 | Mark & Kyla's Wedding*
The day has come when Mark and Kyla are going to get married. It's Mark's 25th birthday. While Kyla was also born in 1999, her birthday was May 13. Both Mark and Kyla agreed that having the wedding on Mark's birthday, a perfect autumn day in Vancouver just sounds perfect. Mark and Kyla also want to have the wedding outside so they could have the autumn leaves falling slowly around us as they held the ceremony. It sounds just perfect.

Today is the day. Mark's perfect 25th birthday, his wedding. Mark is wearing this to the wedding:

Kyla chose to wear this wedding dress:

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Kyla chose to wear this wedding dress:

Kyla chose to wear this wedding dress:

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I think it suits her so well. She looks so beautiful in that wedding dress. It almost reminds me of my own wedding day with Jaemin. It will be a day I will never forget, and getting to relive these moments with my best friends, it's just perfect. The wedding ceremony will now begin.

Everyone is seated in the folding chairs, set up just right so that when Kyla makes her entrance, she can walk right down the middle. She will be given away by her father, who remember little Mark very fondly. Kyla's dad had no idea where Mark had gone off to when he suddenly had stopped going to school. Mark was only 6 years old. He had gotten about halfway or nearly finished 1st grade when his dad moved the family to South Korea. Somehow, Kyla and Mark remembered each other despite how long Mark had went to school. Now, here they are, getting married. The world works in crazy ways.

When Kyla comes in, it's like watching a princess make her entrance into the palace. She gets out of the limousine and walks gracefully down the aisle with her dad by her side. The guests stand up and applaud Kyla as she walks to the arch where Mark is waiting for Kyla. I can already see a few tears in Mark's eyes. I think this is the first time I've ever seen him cry. Kyla meets Mark under the arch and they hold both their hands. The pastor from Mark's childhood church begins the ceremony with opening prayer. Then, it moves into officiating the wedding. Mark chose his older brother, Jinhyung, as his man of honor. His groomsmen are; Johnny, a two childhood friends of his, Yuta, Lucas, and Jaehyun.

When the officiating of the wedding is finished, next is saying their vows. Mark and Kyla have some of the cutest vows to each other. They may have not realized it way back then, but this is where they are now. Kyla didn't even know Mark very well back then, she just knew of him. Who knew where it would lead them now. Just because of Jaemin and I's silly little show, we actually made couples in NCT. That was something I was never expecting out of this entire thing. At first, it was just a joke, but then people actually started to fall in love, then it became a legit dating show. What a legacy Jaemin and I have created. The NCT members are now starting to get married, and it's crazy how it happens sometimes.

After Mark and Kyla say their vows to each other, Kyla's nephew brings up the rings. The pastor blesses the rings, then Mark and Kyla need to promise to love each other til the end of time, and that these rings are a symbol of their love. Once the rings are on, the pastor finally says,
"You may seal your promises with a kiss. Mark, you may kiss your bride."
Mark has the cheesiest smile on his face as he grabs Kyla's face gently, then they kiss. It is like the perfect K-Drama kiss. It is the cutest and most romantic kiss I have ever seen.
"Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you Mister and Misses Lee." The pastor said.
All of us stand up and applaud Mark and Kyla on a momentus day of their lives.

Similarly to American weddings, Canadian weddings also have reception parties. Mark and Kyla get into their car and drive to the reception party venue, leading the guests there. The reception party venue is a fancy restaurant in Vancouver called Five Sails Restaurant. It is on the bay, where the pacific ocean can be seen from the window. It is such a beautiful view up here. As soon as we walked in, I said to myself: this place is way too fancy. Even my friends, who come from middle class to poorer families can 100% agree with me. I looked at the overall price for this restaurant while waiting for the activities began, and I was shocked. This restaurant has a four-dollar sign price, meaning it could be $31+ per person, CA$39+. That is insane! I would never go out of my way to go to a restaurant that is this expensive. Like, dang.

Dinner is served first, and I am looked at how the food is served. It is so fancy that I don't wanna touch it. I take a few photos of it before I began eating it. I was served a chicken dish that doesn't even look like like. That's how fancy it is. I really can't believe it. I began eating, then I'm blown away by the taste. Oh wow. This is incredible. It's not like anything I've ever tasted before. When everyone finished eating, the last part of the reception party is a fun little Q&A session. Now, all these weddings are filmed as well to be put into a segment of NCT Bachelor called: We're Married, not to be confused with the Korean reality show. Jaemin and I had to change the original title to avoid any copyright infringement.

Somehow, this Q&A just feels like part 2 to the original Q&A from when Kyla and Mark first met. Now, the questions are about their relationship. They had to write their answer on a whiteboard and if their answers are right, then they get a point. If their answer is wrong, then they have some explaining to do. One of the fun questions was: When and where was your first kiss? Mark and Kyla both smiled, knowing exactly what the other is going to say.
"3, 2, 1! Reveal!" The MC said.
"Outside SM Entertainment at the playground." Mark said.
"Yeah, same." Kyla said.
"Now, why the playground?" The MC asked.
"Well, you know, we were just hanging out after getting some coffee together. It was in the spur of the moment." Mark explained.
"From my perspective, you looked very nervous, but determined to just do something. I didn't know what that something was until you kissed me." Kyla said.
"Aww." The guests said in unison.
"Yeah, so that was our first kiss. Totally not awkward at all." Mark said.
"Pfft. Doubt it." Kyla said. This comment made all of us laugh.

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