You first meet

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You wipe your sweaty hands on you skirt and walk into your new school. People don't seem to  notice you which makes you feel less nervous. But you still think you would do something stupid right in front of everybody and embarrass yourself. You look down at the paper the office had given you. Then you feel a body crashing into yours. You fall back, squeezing your eyes shut ready for the hard ground to meet you. But it never came. You open your eyes to see a cute boy with an uneven jaw line holding you. You blush and stand up on your own." Sorry I wasn't looking where I was going", you both said at the same time. You giggle and say," Hi I'm y/n"."Scott, are you new around here?", he asks." Yep", you say popping the 'p'. He chuckles and asks you to show you around and you say yes.
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You were running in the woods like you usually do every night. You hear a crunch of a twig and stop running. You get scared and curious. You think about running but your curiosity takes over and you find yourself walking toward where the noise was heard. You see a human figure." Hello? Is anyone there?", you yell. A man comes out and pins you on a near by tree with his hands around your neck. You let out a screech." Shhhh", he hushes creepily and strokes you cheek." Your a very pretty girl. What is a pretty girl doing out here at his time?", he asks, reeking of alcohol." It's non of your business", you say then spit in his face. He lets out a low growl and tightens the grip around your neck. You slowly feel your body getting drained out of life. Then you were released . You look to see what happened to him. When you look up, you see a hybrid of a human and a wolf standing over you. You get excited and scared. He changes back into a a full human which makes you back up a little and trip. He slowly come up to you." Are you okay?", he asks politely. You nod your head slowly and he lets out a hand. You hesitantly grab his hand. He yanks you up of the floor." What's your name", he asks." Y/n, yours?", you say." Derek", he replies.
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You were walking into the video game store, which is were you work. You just moved to Beacon Hills a month ago in the summer and the first thing in your mind was to get a job. Your family didn't have the best income so you had to get a part time job to support your mom and yourself. She also got a job too. She got moved here to be a nurse. You go to the open sign and switch the sign to open. About an hour after opening a cute guy and another guy walks in. They glance around the store and stopped when they looked at you. They quickly look away and look at each other. The cute boy shakes his head smiling and runs to the batman section, the other guy follows. You realized you were staring the whole time and look down blushing. You decide to at least try to get his cute face out of your head and took out your phone to go on wattpad 😱. You start reading a book when you hear comic book being slightly slammed against the counter where you cash out. You look up and see the cute guy with a small smile one his face. "H-hi ummmmm, my friend is teaching me how to talk to girls so bear with me please", he says with pleading eyes. You chuckle a little and nod."So what's your name beautiful?", he asks kind of loud and with a half smirk. You chuckle and say,"I'm y/n, what your name cutie?", you say flirtatiously."Are you being for real? I-I mean I'm stiles.", he says awkwardly rubbing his neck.
You were taking a stroll in your favorite park. It was your favorite because it was always beautiful no matter what season it was. It also was the first place you met your first love when you were a kid. You would always play here and a boy that you fell in love with came here too. You guys would play all day until one day he never came. It was heart breaking to you, but years past and you forgot about it. You took a seat on a near by bench and started to think of the events that just happened, your mom and dad were fighting again for the sixth time this week. You really want them to just divorce already because it's starting to get physical. Sometimes you would try to break them up but end up getting the kick to the stomach or the punch to the face. They often just don't care that's hurt you and leave you bleeding or keep punching you. You were snapped out of your thoughts when you see a guy around your age on the swing set really deep in thought. Since the sun was just setting you saw how the light hit his face. How his curly brownish blonde hair was dis-shuffled and how he had a really bad black eye. You get up and go to the handsome boy and sit on the swing next to him." Hey", you say. He looked snapped out of thought and looks to you." H-Hi", he says shyly." I'm y/n, what's your name?", you ask." M-My name is Isaac", he stutters shyly." Don't worry I don't bit", you say giggling.
You were walking through the halls toward your locker. When you get to your locker you feel eyes on you ass so you turn your head around and see a boy that was in your math class looking at your butt. You turn your whole body and clear your throat to get his attention. It works and he looks up to your face. He looks down to his shoes and you see red crawl up on his face. You turn around and shut your locker grabbing you back pack and walk over to him." Hi, I saw you looking at my butt", you say laughing. He looks up at you and turns even more red." It's okay, I'm y/n", you say with confidence. He opens his mouth to say something but then closes it quickly. Then reopens it and says,"Hi sorry if you feel invaded or uncomfortable, I'm Liam". You laugh and say", It's okay, really, I mean your hot". After saying that his eyes light up and his face turns less red. He leans back trying to act cool, only to fall on the ground. You giggle and walk away strutting.
A/n: I kinda had no more ideas for Liam so I did this😂😂. Anyway I hope you liked them.
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