What the others think about you guys

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Stiles- she makes him happy it's cute. I wish Lydia and I were like that.....

Liam- they make out everywhere.... I once walked in on them making out on a table but that non of my business 🐸🍹

Theo- she was supposed to end up with me. The dread doctors said so


Scott- Stiles always talks about her. I have to punch him to make him shut up

Liam- Stiles got a catch. Shes hot

Theo- He can't live a day without seeing her.


Scott- they remind me of how Allison and I were...*criez 4 dayz*

Stiles- they've gone threw so much hey belong together

Theo- they are disgusted me


Scott- I don't know why she would go for the dark side but she made her choice, I guess she likes trouble

Stiles- umm love is weird. Nobody thought I would be dating a were-coyote not even me. I thought I would end up with Lydia.

Liam- I hope he doesn't kill her. Whoops was I not supposed to say that.......


I didn't put Derek and Isaac in this because I didn't really think it was appropriate because they aren't in the show anymore sorry

But Merry Christmas (Ikik this is late but merry late Christmas)

I hope you got what you want and spent time with family

Luv you guys 💓

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