Imagine for @lolmarz12

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"Marlo!", Isaac hollered. I roll my eyes not wanting to hear him blabbing about Scott and I getting closer.

I walk out of my room grabbing my bag and keys. I keep walking quickly out of my house to avoid what Isaac had to say. I always tell him nothing is going on between us but he never listens.

"Marlo! Do not walk away from me!"

"Isaac you always tell me the same bullcrap every time u get upset over this, I'm tired of listening to it."

I angrily walk to my car throwing my school bag in the back seat. I came to his house because he texted me saying he wanted to talk to me. Not to accuse me. 

I open the drivers seat door ready to get out here. Isaac appears in front of me and slams my car door close before I could get in.

"Isaac!" I start fuming. "If you don't trust me hanging out with Scott then I don't think I belong with a person that doesn't trust me!".

Isaac anger drops into a sad expression. His head bows looking at the floor. He slightly looked up at my furious brown eyes.

"I'm sorry", he begins. "I-I just don't want to lose you to a person I know that will give you a better life then I give you".  

My fiery emotion falters into sadness.

I close the car door and make my way back inside his house. I lock the car and set the keys down on a coffee table near the door. I walk to the couch and sit, knowing Isaac followed me in.

"Isaac. I Love You. No one else but you. You are funny, smart, charming, and the love of my life. I wouldn't want to change all the moments and memories we have had together for anything else", I whispered knowing he can hear me.

He walked towards me and stood in front of me. I stood up and we looked at each other. He grabbed my waist and hugged me putting his face at crook of my neck. I raised my hands up arms and hugged him back.

"I love you so much Mar".

"I love you too Isaac".


I took 9 months to write this. I hate myself. Sorry lolmarz12 if this sucks butthole. If it does we can work something out and I might be able to write you another one.

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