How he asked you out pt.2

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You were just minding your business, walking through the store. You were looking at a list of groceries you made before you got there. You look up and saw rows of cans of whipped cream. I mean it isn't on the list but what ever. You grabbed three cans off the cold shelves and plop them into your cart.

Once you get everything on your list you walked to the cash register to check out. When the cashier checked everything out it came to the amount of $140.97. You pulled out your wallet to get your credit card out. But it wasn't there. You check around for it but it was gone. When you checked for cash you were about $30 short. You took out your $110.97 put and gave it to the cashier.

"Sorry ma'am your $30 dollars short. You will have to take something o-", the cashier was cut off by a hand containing $30, from behind you.

You turn your head slightly behind you and you see the one and only Derek Hale. The guy you saw in the woods that night. You weren't scared of him. He made you have this feeling. You don't know what type of feelings he gave you.

"Here", he said broadly to the cashier. The cashier took the money. and bagged the groceries.

"I'll pay you back I promise", you strictly said back.

"Yes you are", he concluded. I rolled my eyes chuckling.

I took some grocery bags into both hands struggling to get the 3 last bags. Derek sighed and took the groceries. He looked at me and nodded his head toward the front doors of the grocery store. I began leading him towards my car.

"I know how you can repay me", he begins.

"With money?", I laugh questioning him. You open the trunk of your car and place in some of your groceries.

"No", he said seriously. You slow down for a bit but stop laughing.

"Would you like to go out with me this Saturday?", he uttered.

"Did you just ask me out?", you questioned, playing around with him. You place all of the groceries on your arms into the car.

He placed the rest the bags into the trunk and closed it.

"Yes. Yes I am".

"Ya sure. I'll go out with you".

"I'll pick you up at 8:30", he beamed.

"See you then", you smiled. You walk to your car and open the front seat door, stepped in, and drove off.


You were walking to school. It was about a 15 minute walk but today was an especially cold day. To your luck you were wearing a thin cardigan. You pulled your cardigan closer to your body and adjust your black messenger bag slinging across your shoulder.

Beep beep

You look to your right seeing Stiles one of your best friends in his regular beat up blue jeep.

"Hey! Y/n! Y/n Hey!", he hollers.

"Stiles I'm not deaf but I'm pretty sure your going to make me if you keep on yelling like that", You accused. He rolled his eyes and opened the car door for you to get in. You hop in the passenger seat. You notice some blonde curly locks in the back seat of his car. He was laying down, sleeping. How does he not wake up from stiles yelling left and right.

"Stiles, why is Isaac sleeping in your back seat?", You ask curiously.

"He wasn't able to sleep last night. He had dad nightmares......again", he started.

You sighed. Isaac is a sweet guy. He doesn't deserve all this trauma at such a young ag-

Isaac rustles and slowly rises up rubbing his eyes.

"Y/n? What are you doing here", he asks.

"Going to school", You laugh.

He nervously chuckles and gets his backpack on his shoulders. We arrive at school and stiles parks in his reserved parking space. Isaac gets out of the car then you do. Stiles is already racing to be with a lonely Scott. You started to run to them but a hand held you by your arm. You were yanked back and bumped into Isaac's body. Very chiseled by the way. He looked nervous and scared. He looked down then slightly up at you then down again acting like the ground was the most interesting thing in the world.

"You okay?", You asked taking his chin in my hand and lifting his head. Your faces were about 3 inches apart. You stared intently at his nervous expression.

"willyougooutwithme", he blurts out. Confused you stepped back and look at him. He looks back at the ground.

"I would love to".

His head snaps up and he has a wide grin on his face.

"You said yes?!", he questioned.

"Well ya", you say nervously. You have no ides why but you were kinda on edge.

"I'll pick you up at 8 tomorrow night?", he smiled. You nod your head and catch up with Stiles and Scott.


Don't worry guys I'm going to do Liam and Theo.
Also I'm sorry for not updating frequently. I've been busy and their has been a death in my family. But I will start writing more.
comment. Like. And share💓

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