Imagine for @bluefood4lyfe

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Stacey pov

I race down the stairs almost tripping on my untied shoes. I reach for the door. 

"Where are you going", my big idiotic brother or what people call him, Stiles asked.

"To Sara's house", I calmly reply.

"Your best friend?", he keeps on questioning. 

"Yes , so can I go. I'm going to miss the sundae making", I whine. 

On a real note, I wasn't going to Sara's house. I was actually going to go to Liam's. We were going to this party and I couldn't miss it. 

I couldn't tell my brother the truth. He was so over protective. He wouldn't let any guy go near me. I mean he wasn't going to do anything. But he would always ask Scott to beat him up or scare him. 

Liam and I were dating. If Stiles knew he would personaly strangle the young beta.  

I was wearing big gym sweats over my black body-fitted dress that goes a little over my mid-thigh. I was also wearing my party makeup look and my hair was all curled but put into a ponytail.

"Why do you have make on?", he asks. 

"We are going to take selfies", I shrug.

"Is that why your hair is curled too?", he continues. 

"Yep", I comfirmed.

"Why don't you have a bag?", he pointed out.

"Stiles! I have clothes there already. You need to chill", I shout.

"Okay, Okay. Fine. Leave and make sure to call me when you get there", he pestered. 

"Yea, Yea", I brush off. 

I walked out of the house and walked to Liams house. It was only 4 blocks away anyway. 

-skip walkng time-

I walked to his front door and rang the door bell.

ding. ding .ding

A nervous Liam opened the front door. 

"Hey Stac. DId Stiles follow you?", he asks nervously. 

I chuckle and walk into the house and head up stairs to his room. 

"Crap", I murmured. 

I put my lips to my mouth indicating to be quiet to liam. 

He nods and sits on his bed. 

I call Stiles. After the first ring he picks up. 

"Hey Stacey, you there?", he asks. 

"Yep. Now can you leave me alone and let me hang with Sara?", I whine. 

"Ya Ya. Fine. Goodnight", he huffed. 

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