Imagine for @ObrienxxLahey

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Sorry I take soooooooo long to do these imagines for y'all


Mia's pov

The sunlight leaks into my room hitting my eyes.

cough cough cough cough

Ugh I'm sick. 

cough cough cough cough

No one is home except for my mom so..

"MOM!", I holler. Ow ow, my throat. No more yelling. I hear a thumping noise going up the stairs.

"Yes honey", she sweetly replies.

"I don't feel good", I coughed out.

"Well you sounded like you were fine when you yelled out my name", she smirks. I roll my eyes.

"Mom I for real don't feel good. Can I just stay home?", I ask. She walks out of my room then walks back in with a thermometer.

I open my mouth and lift up my tounge. She sticks in the stick and waits.

Soon it beeps loudly and she looked at the thermometer.

"Wow. 101. Yep you can stay home today", she says worriedly. I nod my head. She looks at her watch on her wrist.

"I have to go now. But make sure to have a lot of rest and take medicene", she informed.

"Alright, bye mom", I mummble getting sleepy. She walked out of my room again.

I slowly start to close my eyes, drifting off to sleep.

ding ding


I open my eyes and look for my phone. I spot it on my desk that is like 5 miles away from my bed (sarcasm). But I get up anyways and walk to my desk.

Text from Isaac is better then you

I laugh at the stupid contact name and unlock my phone. I click my imessage and read Isaac's text.

{ I- Isaac M- Mia }

I- Why aren't you at school?

M- I'm sick

I- I'm coming over

M- Aren't you at school?

I- Ya but I'm coming right now

Just as I was about to respond. I got another text.

I- Can't text and run at the same time. See you in less then a minute

I chuckle and shake my head. I make my way to my bed and began to sit down until I heard a knock at the door.

I sigh and get up. I go down the stairs and open the door to see a smiling Isaac.

"Why are you so happy?", I ask in confusion.

"Beacuse I'm here with my best friend", he says smiling even wider.

I roll my eyes and give him a hug. I turn around and start to head to my bedroom.

I hear the front door close and thumping behind me.

I go into my room and lay down in my warm fluffy bed. I curled up into the blanket and closed my eyes.

"Want me to make you soup?", Isaac asks going into my room. I nod my head yes. Then I hear thumping going down the stairs.

I begin to fall asleep.


"Mia. Mia. Wake up Mia. I got food", Isaac taunts. I smell the air and smell something good.

I shot up and realized I'm very hungry.

"Food?", I ask. He laughs at me then nods his head.

"Yay", I squel. He sets down a tray with chicken noodle soup, 2 tylenol pills, and water.

"Did you make this?", I ask. He nods his head proudly. I start off eating slowly and cautiously to tease him.

He rolls his eyes and take the spoon out of my hand and scoops a big scoop of chicken noodle soup. He takes the spoon of soup and shoves it into my mouth. It's actually pretty good. He continues to do that until I finish the whole bowl.

"Was it good?", He questioned.

"Very. Good job". He smiles brightly. I take the medicine and lay down. I'm pooped.

"Come cuddle with me buttcheeks", I groan. He laughs and climbs into the blanket with me. I turn onto my side and cuddle my head into his chest.

We lay there for 10 minutes in silence and begin to drift off to sleep. But I can hear Isaac mumbling words, so I'm most likely half asleep.

"-and the most perfect person in the world. I wish we can be like this everyday but I know you don't love me back. Your to beautiful for me anyways. I know you can't hear me but I love you", Isaac whispers into my ear thinking I'm asleep.

"I love you too, Isaac", I mummble and fall fully asleep.


Sorry for waiting like 5 years but I'm slowly going to do everyone.

But ObrienxxLahey I hope you like it. Sorry if it's poop, it's 2:30 am and I have cramps.

Bye babes till next time


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