Imagine for @littleclutch

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  Annies pov

Lydia, Alison, and  I were driving down an empty road. 

I was sitting in the passenger seat while Allison was driving and Lydia was in the back.

We stoppped at a red light and I looked to my right. I see Scott and Stiles in the next car trying to get our attention. 

"HEY ANNIE. ANNIE HEY ANNIE", Stiles hollers. Lydia and Allison ignore them. I chuckle and shake my head.

"HEY STILES. HI MY LITTLE WOLF", I yell back. Stiles starts to laugh at my nickname for Scott. The lights turn green and we speed off. 

I sit back and chuckle. I look back at Stiles car and they suddenly stop in the middle of the road. 

"Hey Alli can we stop I need to talk to Scott", I beg. 

"Fine", she mummers out. She doesn't really like Scott. No one really knows why. 

We stop the car. All of us look out the back window to look at the boys. 

I begin to open the door until I feel sharp pain go throughout my arm and shaddred glass all over the place. I look at the windshield and see a dead deer's head rammed through the glass. I turn over to look at Allison and Lydia to make sure they are okay. 

Lydia hid behind my chair and Allison is crunched up under the steering wheel. Looks like I'm the only one to get hurt, thank god. 

"Are you guys okay?", Lydia freaks. I bite my lip to hold in the groan of pain coming from my arm. 

Allison gets out of the car. Lydia does too. I slowly get out of the car and hold on to my arm. I go on the other side and see Stiles and Scott running over to our car. 

"Are you guys okay!?", Stiles urged. 

"Ya we're fine", Allison reassures.

"How are we fine?! A deer ran into your car!", Lydia freaks. 

"What happened?", Stiles ask. 

"A deer ran into our windshield", Allison 

Scott comes toward me and gentaly takes my hand off my arm. There was a lot of blood. 

My vision starts to blur.

"Stiles g-", Scott voice goes in and out. I strugge to stand and lean on Scott. 

"Stay with u-", Lydia started.

I finally black out.


My eyes flutter open. 

I blink a few times until my vision is clear.

I was in a beige room with needles in my arm. I hear steady beeping. 

I'm in a hospital. I turn my head to the left and see Scott with his hands on his face mumbling something. 

"Scott?", I squeaked out. 

Scott immediantly raises his head. He jumpmed out of his seat and squeezed me.

"Can't. Breath. Need. Air", I gasp. He relases me and looks at me worriedly. 

"I thought I lost you", Scott whimpered and dug his face into my chest.

"You didn't. Its alright I'm right here", I whisper in his ear patting his head soothingly.

"Scooch over so we can cuddle", he demands. I slide to the right (a/n slide the left, reverse reverse. Am I the only one that remebers this?) and he slides into the hospital bed.

He cuddles into my chest. 

"I love you Annie", Scott murmuers into my chest. 

"I love you too my little wolf", I whisper back.


5 months sorry littleclutch 

Every 2 prefrences I'm going to do 1 Imagine until all the requests are finished. 

Okay well my my little wolfies

Teen wolf preferences and imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now