Your tumblr room

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( I only put down what I see in the pictures. So I'll let you use your imagination create the rest of the room )


Scott: Your room looks like dark tumblr room. It has:
> Room color is dark green/black/grey
> Fairy lights
> Large 3 windows connected
> White curtains
> A small bed in the corner
> Small desk next to the bed
> A samll book shelf in another corner
> A desk with a wheelie chair

Stiles: Your room is a basic tumblr room but a little classic. It has:
< Room color is a cream
< A large bed that can fit 2 people thats underneath the windows
< A small outdated t.v
< Small collages on every wall
< A small frame picture on every wall above the collages
< Medium sized desk next to the bed
< The desk has a bunch of cups full of pencils and pictures
< Two regular sized windows
< Black fairy lights

Derek: Your room is a white antique and classy tumblr room. It has:
- Room color is white
- It has an antigue chandelier
- 2 brown bed side desks
- 1 queen sized bed
- A white chair next to the bed
- A light brown fluffy rug
- A brown dresser/ minicloset
- A small mirorr above the bedside
- a big window behind the bed

Isaac: Your room is a dark tumblr room. It has:
> Room color is lavender
> 2 bedside desks
> 2 long lamps
> A chandelier
> A White headbored
> A fluffy purple small blanket

Liam: Your room is a cozy tumblr room. It has:
< Room color is white
< Has a Blanket on the wall (a/n Idk what its called but if you know whats its called comment it so i can change ti or something)
< Fairy lights above that ^
< A collage on the wall next to the bed and on the door
< Medium sized window
< Brown curtains

Theo: Your room is a coay classic youtuber room. It has:
> Room color is white
> Blanket on the wall (a/n still don't know whats that called)
> Mesh clothe hovering over the bed
> Lights on the clothe
> Desk next to the bed
> White sheets
> Wood headboard


Hey my wolfies

The pictures that I got these descriptions from are in the images either on the top or on the side. Also they are in order.

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